An ‘A’ in My Book

Kansas gets an F in gun legislation, national report says [More]

So, how many of the killers of those 500 people were inclined to obey existing laws, and which proposed new ones would have made them reconsider?

What a fraudulent scam every single damn one of these treasonous gun grab groups is. So nice one-sided PR piece masked as “news,” Kansas Reflector

We really don’t…

[Via Steve T]

A Bearable Opinion

Let’s hope historical analogues don’t come back to bite us. Rather than digging up what some colony did to infringe in special circumstances or older English law, put the focus on arguments put forth during ratification. We know what the founders meant, and there was nothing ambuiguous about it.

Anybody else having trouble digging up info on the defendant and his Glock switches? I’m wondering if what’s gun owners may be celebrating as a victory is actually part of an effort to turn the public against Bruen.

[Via WiscoDave]

We’re the Only Ones Stepping Up Enough

The two-step is a tactic where a state trooper will pull an individual over for a traffic infraction and, after issuing a ticket, take steps back toward their vehicle. They will then turn around and initiate a new interaction with a driver, which the highway patrol classifies as a voluntary stop. [More]

If they’re not free to leave without getting double-tapped, it’s hardly voluntary.

[Via Steve T]

We’re the Only Ones Stepping On Enough

A federal judge has found that a Kansas Highway Patrol practice known as the “Kansas Two-Step” violates motorists’ constitutional protections against unreasonable searches and targets motorists traveling from states where marijuana is legal. [More]

And if you don’t obey they’ll escalate to double-taps.

[Via Michael G]

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