Worst Comes to Worst

Year in Review: The Worst of the Gun Industry in 2024 [More]

Judas goat Greg Lickenc…uh…brock carries on the contemptible betrayal of fellow gun owners exemplified by Ryan Busse and a cavalcade of gunkapos.

It’s fair to ask what kind of idiot/mole/embedded enemy (pretends to or actually falls) for solidarity with “Gun Culture 2.0” or 97Percent.

[Via Jess]

So Come on Down to Kapo Arms

Central NY man sentenced to prison for illegal rifle after gun dealer reports large ammo sales [More]

Is Master pleased with you, gunsnitch? Did he have something on you or were you just trying to suck up and curry favor?

I don’t see who the informant was from this.

[Via bondmen]

O Canada

The Canadian press reports this initial step is a contract with the Canadian Sporting Arms and Ammunition Association (CSAAA), a group representing Canada’s hunting and sport shooting industry, to work with Public Safety Canada and firearm businesses and retailers. [More]

So they’ll be like kapos…?

What else am I supposed to think when I see governments limiting rights to “sporting purposes“?

[Via Jess]

Of Kapos and Rope-Selling Capitalists

Anheuser-Busch hires ex-GOP aides to lobby as Bud Light’s Dylan Mulvaney controversy drags on [More]

I don’t give a damn about this inferior beer company and its self-created dumpster fire, but post this to reiterate something we’ve talked about before on WoG, bringing mercenaries into inner circles who don’t share principles.

We’ve seen it before with NRA hiring field reps with no regard to that and see how that plays out. Ain’t that right, Abra?

And who could forget Judas Bob? Or Ryan?

It’s enough to make me wonder if “Democratic donor” William Brewer is the RKBA champ that millions of dollars donated by members say he is — or if there’s a hidden agenda in there somewhere.

Gunkapo Carl

I’m a gun owner. I know I’m a sitting duck until common sense gun laws are on the books. [More]

This is the exact divide-and-conquer subversion the 97percent Astroturfers, the Gun Culture 2.0 squishes, and the Fudds for Biden are counting on. They are all AHSA on steroids, and coming at us on multiple fronts.

If I were an FFL and Carl came into my store I’d tell him to get the hell out.

[Via Dan Gifford]

A Public/Private Partnership

“Don’t Lie” is a cooperative program between the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), the Department of Justice (DOJ), and NSSF. [More]

So if a trusted friend or relative is a “prohibited person” because they ran afoul of some unconstitutional citizen disarmament edict, or have been “red flagged” and disenfranchised without due process, the industry “solution” is to turn your back on him? Sounds like fascism in action to me.

If someone has been proven a truly dangerous character, why would they be anyplace they could receive a gun — from any source? We all know what prior restraint “background checks” enable, and how that will be exploited once Democrats have the votes. And since when is the mantra that “gun control” works?

Every time I see NSSF bragging about licking jackboots, kapos and drivers come to mind.

Call Me Erresponsible…

ATF is proud of our partnership with @NSSF to irradicate straw purchasing activities in the St. Louis area through education using the “Don’t Lie” campaign. #DontLieForTheOtherGuy [More]

Hiring the best and the brightest, are we? Hey, if we expect them to irrase irroneous tweets, their whole account will have to go.

And, of course, NSSFs compromise is not enough.

Yeah? Well, I’m Not a Huge Fan of Gunkapo Quislings.

“I’m not a huge fan of it, personally,” Stucker said of the move. “As a gun store owner, it puts a little bit more liability on us.” [More]

What did Samuel Adams say…?

Is this guy really that stupid, first for talking to the media like they’re honest brokers, and then for throwing his customers under the bus? I want to be careful here because it would have been easy to make assumptions about another gun guy until Herschel took the time to put things in context.

I’ll put out some feelers to our friends at Grassroots North Carolina and see if they can shed any light. Because without finding mitigating circumstances, my kneejerk reaction is to urge gun owners to find somewhere else to go and let this business die.

[Via Steve T]

A Public/Private Partnership

The firearm industry worked with Congress to update the statutory definition of “in the business”… The firearm industry was the progenitor of the point-of-sale instant background check … The firearm industry has been on the leading edge to improve the quality of FBI’s NICS … NSSF supports increasing the submission of disqualifying records to FBI NICS … NSSF welcomes the Biden administration’s renewed attention to safe storage of firearms in the home … NSSF has not opposed the use of emergency risk protection orders, or so-called “red flag” laws … President Biden’s demand to close “the dating violence restraining order loophole” … was not opposed by the firearm industry … NSSF does not oppose the reauthorization of the Undetectable Firearms Act … The Undetectable Firearms Act as it is currently written should be made permanent … [More]

Aaron Zelman had a term for such collaborators.

The Judas Goat Bleats

I joined 97Percent because they are a gun safety organization taking a different approach to this seemingly intractable issue. [More]

The kinder, gentler citizen disarmers.

Divide and conquer is hardly a different approach. Like all “progressive” ideas, it’s a dusting off of an old ruse relying on apparatchiks and useful idiots to draw the suckers in.

Not to mention make a buck.

There’s never been a shortage of gunkapos presenting themselves as Gun Culture 2.0.

WarOnGuns Correspondent Andy M. sent me a couple more examples that are a few months old but timely in regard to this:

  • This dope.
  • And these. I’m just surprised they don’t wear their “Moms Demand” shirts to the range.


As a firearm dealer, I support background checks for gun purchasers [More]

This voluntary concession to the grabbers was from June. I just found out about it from an email from the Astroturf frauds at 97percent.

If you’re an Illinois gun owner and you do business with Benjamin Tactical in Libertyville, you’re giving aid and comfort to a useful idiot for the enemy.

I guess somebody had to step up and fill Mike “The Gun Guy” Weisser’s shoes…

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