“Reason for Mexico Terror Threat Against U.S. Gunmakers Suggests Government in Pocket of Cartels”‘Suggests’???? You’re Kidding, Right? ‘Suggests’? [More]
No, I’m not kidding. I laid out some documented examples of corruption to build my argument, but if I was going to use the word “Proves” for the specific instance of Mexican President Claudia Sheinbaum being in league with the cartels, I’d need to provide more than circumstantial evidence. I’d need to produce documentation establishing that she’s in communication with, on the take, or under direct threat from specific cartels. Barring that, it’s the same reason why words like “alleged” are used.
The commentator, who “suggests” he was a CIA operative in Mexico who had a direct hand in getting DEA agents in and then out of the country with their captures, claims direct knowledge I confess I cannot. If he’d like to be a whistleblower and blow the lid off this, I can guarantee the same level of care Mike and I gave to our Fast and Furious sources– after vetting them .