The Power of Suggestion

“Reason for Mexico Terror Threat Against U.S. Gunmakers Suggests Government in Pocket of Cartels”‘Suggests’???? You’re Kidding, Right? ‘Suggests’? [More]

No, I’m not kidding. I laid out some documented examples of corruption to build my argument, but if I was going to use the word “Proves” for the specific instance of Mexican President Claudia Sheinbaum being in league with the cartels, I’d need to provide more than circumstantial evidence. I’d need to produce documentation establishing that she’s in communication with, on the take, or under direct threat from specific cartels. Barring that, it’s the same reason why words like “alleged” are used.

The commentator, who “suggests” he was a CIA operative in Mexico who had a direct hand in getting DEA agents in and then out of the country with their captures, claims direct knowledge I confess I cannot. If he’d like to be a whistleblower and blow the lid off this, I can guarantee the same level of care Mike and I gave to our Fast and Furious sources– after vetting them .

Reason for Mexico Terror Threat Against U.S. Gunmakers Suggests Government in Pocket of Cartels

Top officials, in all branches of government, the police, and the military, are in the pockets of the cartels. [More]

Don’t think of them as partners. Think of them as conjoined twins.

It Depends Upon What the Meaning of the Term ‘Beats Back’ Is


How, by “agreeing“?

Sorry, I find the argument interpreting what’s on his mind unpersuasive at substantiating the video title. Show me where Trump actually did what it claims. Show me where he made them an “offer” they couldn’t refuse to compel them dropping their lawsuit.

I’m getting a little tired of “our side” adding positive spin where none is warranted. Because there’s still no action.

And I see the media has resurrected the “70% of Mexican crime guns come from the U.S.” claim.

New lies for old…

[Via Jess]

A New Phase

In for a penny, in for a pound… and the cooperation means some in the Mexican government have picked a side that there’s no coming back from.

[Via Jess]

Know Thy Enemy

Should the U.S. Engage in Direct Action Against the Cartels? [More]

Herschel examines complexities.

One thing I’d add: The Mexican government serves at the pleasure of the cartels. By that I mean no official is beyond their reach if they really want to take them out, and even the ones who aren’t directly in their thrall know that and conduct themselves accordingly.

Where There’s a Will

Mexico disperses migrant caravans heading to US ahead of Trump inauguration – President-elect Trump has threatened Mexico with a 25% tariffs on goods — unless it stops illegal crossings [More]

What more does anyone need to see to know what treasonous frauds the Democrats have been on this?

Now threaten to prosecute illegal employers and watch the exodus begin.

Mexican Standoff

60 Minutes Gets Dragged on Twitter/X Over Story Praising Gun Control Policies in Mexico [More]

To paraphrase Rhett Butler, they should be dragged and often, and by someone who knows how.

They had a chance to sustain real journalism about guns and Mexico with Sharyl Attkisson, but instead decided that didn’t fit the approved narrative. They could’a been contenders instead of DSM bums, which is what they are, let’s face it.

[Via bondmen]


Might as well let ’em know someone’s on to their bullSh!+.

Messin’ with Texas

Two illegal aliens told Texas National Guard soldiers that the reported “International Migrants Day” crossing rumors were being pushed all throughout Mexico via television and social media. [Watch]

Please announce immediate repercussions to be implemented after Inauguration Day, President-elect Trump.


None dare call it treason…? It oughta be.

[Via Sweet Babboo]

If It Looks Like an Act of War and Acts Like an Act of War…

New Footage Shows Texas National Guard Attempting to Deter Illegal Border Crossers [More]

“Attempting to”…?

This is an invasion supported by a foreign government.

One that is actively undermining the security of a free state.

[Via Sweet Babboo]

None Dare Call It Treason

The Biden administration is using its final weeks to haul a massive amount of border wall materials away from the southern border to be sold off in a government auction, an apparent effort to hinder President-elect Donald Trump’s effort to secure the border, The Daily Wire has learned. [More]

The same people who want our guns want more illegal aliens. Good thing this has nothing to do with that “single issue.” And I have that on good authority.

Let’s hope “The Scouring of the Shire” really happens.

[Via Michael G]

With Malice Aforethought

Mexico understands that an open border, the destruction of U.S. immigration law, illegal immigration, and emigration of millions of its own citizens to America are entirely in its own interests. [More]

So do the Democrats.

I wonder what obstacles they’re going to throw in Trump’s and Homan’s way, and which treasonous Republicans will help them…

[Via Michael G]

The Other Side in a Nutshell

This is why it’s fruitless to “debate” with with obnoxious, self-entitled fanatics who are too stupid to realize how wrong they are, and who presume to teach but don’t even belong in the class without passing the prerequisites.

Has the loudmouthed clownette “proudly” ID’d herself on social media yet?

[Via Jess]

Mayor’s Assassination Shows Mexican Government Can Only Operate with Consent of Cartels

Mexican prohibitionists ignoring the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act to effect U.S. citizen disarmament are creatures that can only operate at the behest of cartel monsters who decapitate to terrorize. [More]

Who thinks the Framers included the Second Amendment in the Bill of Rights so that animals from a failed narco-terrorist state abetted by treasonous domestic subversives could render it toothless through lawfare?

Mexican Standoff

Supreme Court Will Hear Gun Industry Challenge to Mexico’s Lawsuit – “Simply put, Mexico’s suit threatens to undermine American sovereignty and constitutional liberty, and it has no business in this country’s courts.” [More]

I expect our side to win. What I’m most curious of is what the Democrat judges will do, and how they will rationalize their arguments if they side with Mexico.

Between SCOTUS now taking on both this and frames/receivers, how any gun owner can justify not voting and letting Kamala Harris reshape the Court is beyond me.

[Via Michael G]

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