A Matter of Priorities

A gang that preys on gay men at Hell’s Kitchen nightclubs is suspected of killing at least two victims and of drugging and robbing more than a dozen other men — but Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s office is impeding the investigation, law enforcement sources say. [More]

I trust no one expects him to choose between which group it’s more politically advantageous for Democrats to pander to or ignore…

[Via Michael G]

Nothing a Cage Won’t Stop

Bronx man who smashed up Manhattan McDonald’s with ax is busted again [More]

He can’t be trusted with an ax… he can’t be trusted with a can of spray paint… he can’t be trusted with somebody else’s bicycle… it’s almost like there’s a lesson to be learned here that society can’t quite (or doesn’t want to) put its finger on…

Let the Tyranny Continue!

New York’s new gun law will remain in effect for now after a federal appeals court on Wednesday agreed to temporarily reverse a lower court’s order blocking the law’s central provisions while a legal challenge by a gun-owners’ rights group proceeds. [More]

The city knows it’s breaking the law. The court knows it’s breaking the law.

Funny, how the only people that can go to jail are the ones breaking an illegal law…

[Via Jess]

A Nation of Lawlessness

Mayor Eric Adams signed legislation Tuesday establishing how the city will make Times Square a gun-free zone even as the state law underpinning the policy was overturned in federal court. [More]

Just to be clear: They will prosecute you for not complying with their illegal edict. And if you resist, they will kill you.

This is tyranny that merits being met with all force necessary to overthrow it and to punish the criminal usurpers imposing and enforcing it.

Not that New Yorkers will. Instead, the full forces of both the state and the feds will be brought to bear against anyone rising up to resist it. And any who believe in the Constitution’s limited delegation of powers and the Bill of Rights will be branded “anti-government” and a “seditious conspirator.”

I wonder when Tucker’s going to have this incompetent, megalomaniacal bastard back on…

[Via Jess]

Brought to You Courtesy of the Democrat Welfare State

14-year-old already arrested 18 times suspected in NYC scooter shootings [More]

But we can’t tell you this public menace’s name because…?

Let him out again. Seal his record. And when some “Only One” finally puts the feral aberration down, let the “mostly peaceful protests” begin!

[Via bondmen]

So What Are We, Chopped Liver?

A congregation in Midwood, Brooklyn, argues in a new lawsuit that the state’s new firearm law banning the carrying of concealed guns at houses of worship has effectively put targets on their backs at temple, a lawsuit alleges. [More]

You know what would be nice? Instead of just hearing from you guys when it’s your ox getting gored if you’d show leadership and be more vocal when subversives like the ADL or secular Jewish politicians and media figures are inciting the mob for more citizen disarmament. Because when the rest of us condemn them, it’s just chalked up to antisemitism.

[Via Dan Gifford]

Something Katz Dragged In

“We have had enough,” Katz said in a statement announcing the indictment. “There are basic rights that New Yorkers should have in this City, and one of them is the right to safety when commuting to work, using the subway to take our children to school, and knowing we can safely come home to our families.” [More]

That must be why she wants your guns.

New York, New York, It’s a Wonderful Town

At least 16 hurt in 9 shootings during bloody day in NYC: cops [More]

Ah, the original Bloomberg City! The one he and his fellow violence monopolists are bent on remaking the rest of the country in the image of…

How are those “sensitive zones” working out?

[Via bondmen]

We’re the Only Ones Culturally Revolutionary Enough

China has opened dozens of “overseas police service stations” around the globe to monitor its citizens living abroad, including one location in New York City… [More]

The thought strikes — with diplomatic immunity — Chicom agents couldn’t be prosecuted for being armed where “We the People” are not “allowed” to be.

A Historical Understanding

“…to these should be added the personal rights guarantied and secured by the first eight amendments of the Constitution; such as the freedom of speech and the press; the right of the people to peaceably to assemble and petition the Government for a redress of grievances, a right appertaining to each and all the people; the right to keep and bear arms;…”[More]

But wait a minute — that would mean Michael Waldman, The Brennan Center, and everybody else who parrots similar bulls*** are f***ing liars…

We’re the Only Ones Confiscating Enough

In a letter provided to AmmoLand News from Gun Owners of America (GOA), dated August 31, 2022, Inspector Hugh Bogle of the New York Police Department (NYPD) informed business owners with an active business, limited carry, special carry, or carry business license that their business might now be in a “sensitive area” and were informed to bring their guns to the police station so that the guns can be “safeguarded,” or remove them from the location. [More]

What does registration lead to again…?

But no one’s talking about taking your guns, you paranoids!

New York, New York, It’s a Wonderful Town

Ax-wielding madman runs amok in NYC McDonald’s — and nobody was lovin’ it [More]

They’d better get busy expanding those “sensitive zones“…


Should’a seen this coming:

That NYC psycho who smashed up a McD’s and threatened a bunch of people with an axe? Yeah, he was released without bail.

[Via Michael G]

Adams Identifies High-Value Enemies List Targets

It is a travesty that we know the places where our citizens were murdered, but not the names of the CEOs who approved the marketing of the weapons that were used to kill them. [More]

Look for incidents like this and worse. If it’s much worse, mob-inciter Eric Adams could have blood on his hands.

Now that they have personal skin in the game, will we see any CEOs cut New York City off?

And any word on Tucker coming around?

[Via Jess]

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