Out with the Old/In with…the Old

There are only two things that are certain in Oregon in 2025. Taxes and Republican surrender. [More]

Most would be like that everywhere if that’s what it took.

Don’t look for things to change in the Beaver State as long as the RNC and national “conservative” groups and PACs view principled primary challengers to be liabilities to seats the Party still has, and with the great fundraising hope being a traitorous gun-grabber.

What would it take to start changing that?

Maybe have a gun owners “strike” and sit out those races with Quisling candidates, and let the GOP know if they want a seat at the table, it needs to support us — if not out of principle, then desperation works, too.

Give up even those seats to the Dems? Why not? How much worse could it get?

Besides, we’ve got Bruen and a Supreme Court that’s poised to grow in our favor.

If you have a better plan, let’s hear it.

With Republicans Like Kim Wallan, Who Needs Democrats?

Dennis has been one of the most stalwart defenders of gun rights and liberty in general… So it would seem like a no brainer that Republican legislators would be all in for Dennis. Not so fast. House Rep Kim Wallan, Republican of Jackson County has now endorsed…Tobias Read. [More]

Letting Republicans continually get away with betrayals results in no incentive for them to stop. And you end up with this.


While it seems unlikely that anyone who reading this would miss a vote, the reality is many gun owners do not register to vote or return their ballots. [More]

I kind of understand a fatalistic TINVOWOOT impulse. But I don’t get profiles in apathy. Or rejecting a self-defense tactic. I will keep trying with the tools at hand.

And I haven’t seen anyone who does plan on staying above us all flesh out a feasible plan for during whatever war may result and afterward, when rule by somebody is reestablished.

The other thing I haven’t seen from those who refuse to participate is a credible history of personal involvement working the system they reject.

My analogy is climbing out of a well. I’d rather start closer to the top than at the bottom, which is where a Kamala win will lead us. And my question for those who say “Bring it” is, what are you waiting for? When things get worse, the time will not be more opportune.

Let Them Lose

Oregon’s House Republicans pulled a “bait and switch” and extorted money from their members with a false promise of funding a lawsuit against the bill they helped pass. Since then they have pretended it never happened and just don’t want to talk about it. [More]

What Vichycons fail to understand is that those of us who will not disarm don’t need them, they need us. If they lose, a critical mass (say 3%?) still will not disarm and the game will move to a different level.

No Thanks to Vichycons

After helping the Democrats pass the bill, the Oregon House Republicans, in a cynical and disgraceful display of bait and switch, posed on the Capitol steps with a giant fake check that they said was going to be used for a lawsuit against the bill they had just helped pass…. Firearms Policy Coalition has announced their intention to fight this plainly unconstitutional law. They are currently seeking Oregon residents who could be plaintiffs in the case. This could be the fight so many have been waiting for. [More]

I’m if there are any creatures more self-servingly useless than Oregon establishment “Republicans”…

Fighting on Two Fronts

Meanwhile, our battles against Measure 114 are moving forward at a glacial pace. We believe our Federal lawsuit will be several more years in the courts. The state case, which gun owners are winning at this point, is headed to the Oregon Appeals Court as we speak. There is simply no way to predict the outcome on that one, but it will happen sooner. Victory there is simply essential. If we lose there, gun rights in Oregon could basically end for the foreseeable future. Those legal bills keep coming in. If you can help us with a donation to our Foundation your support will be greatly appreciated. [More]

Are you an Oregon gun owner? Do you know someone who is?

Oregon’s Astroturf Gun Group

While it’s interesting that candidates who never lifted a finger to protect gun rights are desperate to appear to have the support of gun rights organizations, voters deserve to know what’s really happening in our elections. And it’s not pretty. Do nothing organizations have long sought to cash in on the generosity and commitment of gun owners. And often they are quite successful. [More]

There’s clearly moneyed interests behind their site.

But they don’t want to tell you whose.

And I see no “social media” icons– I guess they don’t want to be called out in publicly viewable comments.

Oregon’s Judicial Sideshow

While this is a terrible system, one “race” is particularly troubling. The coronation for Appeals Court Judge Position 6. There your “choice” is…Jim Egan. (See “non partisan candidates”) And that should send chills up your spine if you still have any shred of faith in Oregon’s Judicial System. Egan, you may recall, was the “judge” who declared gun owners to be racist, anti-semitic, white supremacists in an unhinged rant against the people’s vote to create a 2nd Amendment Sanctuary in Columbia County. [More]

No one can say that Oregon gun owners haven’t strived mightily to use the ballot box and the jury box… meaning that’s exactly what they don’t say when they accuse us of being violent, hate-filled insurrectionist extremists.

It is fair to wonder how much longer gun owners will be “disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable“…


Mannix has been promoting gun control for 25 years so his vote was to be expected. Charlie Conrad is new at this. His votes have been so egregious his own county party has demanded he resign. What in the world is NRA thinking? Well, they also endorsed Vikki Breese Iverson who was the Republican House Leader when they folded and handed a gun control victory to the Democrats with HB 2005. [More]

It’s what they do. The links I could provide…

Also get an update on the Vichycon gun group whose own words show them to be phonies.

With ‘Republicans’ Like These, Who Needs Clowns?

When we checked, the only candidate whose website listed this group as “endorsing” them was Goodwin. Two candidates we contacted had never heard of them and had not requested, and were unaware of, the endorsements. Hilariously, the website twice misquoted the Second Amendment as “the right to bear and keep arms.” [More]

But Democrats are the only ones laughing.

Who Is Oregon Gun Rights?

After almost 30 years as advocates for Second Amendment rights, we can tell you we have no idea who “Oregon Gun Rights” is. They are not listed as a business by the Secretary of State. They are not a political action committee. [More]

They’re not listed here, either. This is all I could find.

So what should we think of a politican who claims their endorsement?

Shall we ask?

A Temporary Respite

…we have received word from our attorney in the state case that the Oregon Appeals Court has denied the state’s request and as such, Measure 114, along with all its intended and very evil consequences remains “on hold” and not in force. [More]

Don’t uncork the champagne just yet:

But we are long way from having this nightmare behind us.

Now is NOT the time to relax.

Vichycons Gonna Vichycon

You are the reason there are court battles to stop Measure 114. Javadi and the Republican House Reps have done nothing to help in this battle and it’s disgraceful that they would try to use this vicious attack on your rights to hustle you. [More]

If Oregon Republicans aren’t going to fight, they can feel our pain.

It’s not like electing them makes a difference. And any money spent on them is money that won’t be available to fight the legal battles they should be leading in.

Assisted Suicide

Bogus “Suicide” Bill Passes. Republicans Help. [More]

Now look at how the Democrats portray “Christine Drazan, who did more to damage the House Republican Caucus than anyone in recent memory”:

A new report released today exposes Christine Drazan for accepting a $10,000 campaign contribution from the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) — an extreme and powerful pro-gun lobby group, where the CEO of “Daniel Defense — which made the gun used in the massacre at an elementary school in Uvalde, Texas, in May” sits on the board of directors.

How desperate and stupid would you have to be to believe that compromising with totalitarians will earn you any more gratitude and respect from them than they would give to a toilet?

Related UPDATE

As you would expect, today’s “informational hearing” on Extreme Risk Protection Orders was actually a far left, gun grabbing, propaganda festival. [More]

Don’t forget to thank turncoat Brian Boquist.

Your Guns and Money (That’s What We Want)

This flushing of taxpayer money will come at a time that the Democrats are simultaneously declaring that Oregon is awash in cash* and they need massive new taxes. Meanwhile Republicans have once again joined Democrats to add to Oregon’s massive employee retirement debt with another bill you and your grandchildren will have to pay for. [More]

Hey, you can’t expect tyrants to persecute you for free…

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