And They Say There Are No Stupid Questions…

California law bars non-residents from carrying a gun. Does that violate the Second Amendment? [More]

No one who is not a prohibitionist would even ask.

Or as Democrat Roger Taney wrote when horrified at the prospect of Dred Scott being considered a citizen:

“It would give to persons of the negro race, who were recognised as citizens in any one State of the Union, the right to enter every other State … and to keep and carry arms wherever they went.”

Wait… that last link is from Oath Keepers…? What are racist Nazi rightwing insurrectionists doing defending rights for all…?

There You Have It, They Want You Dead

By equating self-defense with murder, this contemptible Feinblatt… thing … obviously would have preferred Trayvon to have beaten George Zimmerman’s skull into the ground until he was dead. The same goes for anyone who uses a gun to keep an attacker from killing them.

There is no limit to these @$$holes’ lies.

Going Through the Motions

The district court judge in our lawsuit challenging the ATF’s “frame or receiver” rule granted Defense Distributed and 80 Percent Arms’ motions for injunction pending appeal, meaning it can’t be enforced against them while the case continues. [More]

If Founding Intent were applied to everything, the whole damn fraudulent house of cards would collapse.

[Via bondmen]

A Good First Step

Mock Up

And from Gun Owners of America, via email alert:


May 23, 2023

Washington, D.C. — Gun Owners of America (GOA) issued the following statements after the 5th Circuit Court partially enjoined the Biden Pistol Brace Ban this morning. GOA and the Gun Owners Foundation (GOF) had filed an amicus brief in Mock v. Garland, as well as filed their own challenge to the rule in conjunction with Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton in a different federal court.

“This is an encouraging step from the Fifth Circuit, and we hope that the judge in our own case will see this ruling and in turn grant a more robust injunction to relief the millions of Americans nationwide who may soon be in legal jeopardy,” said Erich Pratt, GOA’s Senior VP. “This is just the latest attempt by the Biden Administration to weaponize federal agencies against the American people, and we will continue to stand in the way in defense of our rights.”

“This injunction is welcome news, but due to it’s limited nature, we still need Congress to act before the June 1st deadline,” said Aidan Johnsotn, GOA’s Director of Federal Affairs. “189 Representatives and 47 Senators have already signed on, and we urge the Speaker to put this on the floor for a vote and force Democrats in both chambers to vote on whether to make their constituents felons overnight.”

GOA spokesmen are available for interviews. Gun Owners of America is a nonprofit grassroots lobbying organization dedicated to protecting the right to keep and bear arms without compromise. GOA represents over two million members and activists. For more information, visit GOA’s Press Center.


FPC Legal Alert

A federal judge has issued a preliminary injunction against numerous parts of New Jersey’s Bruen response bill. Read the 235-page opinion in our lawsuit… [More]

I’ll have to get to it later. If you’ve got time to read it today, feel free to give the Cliff’s Notes version in comments.

A Historical Understanding

The State of Minnesota also filed its own motion for summary judgment, which …  went on to say … that “18-20 year old women are also not covered by the plain text of the Second Amendment.” [More]

I once wrote a speculative article (way pre-Heller) I can’t find now that basically made the case that the only women mentioned in U.S. Code are “female citizens of the United States who are members of the National Guard.” My intent was to set up a staged lawsuit with a (friendly) FFL refusing to sell a gun to a (friendly) woman and having it overturned on equal protection grounds.

I wonder if the statute now needs to be amended to add the words “self-identified”…

[Via Jess]

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