Lyin’ Heart

NYT’s Leonhardt: Trump ‘Radicalized’ Democrats to Far Left by ‘Lying About Immigrants’ [More]

What, they’re not going to vote Democrat and create an unchallengeable supermajority dictating from all three branches after the superhighway to citizenship opens?

The treason we’ve come to expect from “The Newsraper of Record“…

Good thing this has nothing to do with that “single issue.” And I have that on good authority.

[Via bondmen]

Oh, We Got Trouble

On deporting families with mixed immigration status (such as the parents being in the U.S. illegally, while their kids are citizens): “I don’t want to be breaking up families, so the only way you don’t break up the family is you keep them together and you have to send them all back.” [More]

And since there’s no legal way to deport a citizen, that means scratch this one off the list.

Wants Dreamers to be able to stay…

Because nothing says American self-interest like officially normalizing leftist foreign nationals.

As for “criminals out first,” last I checked a different branch of government will be adjudicating on due process and appeals…

Me, I’m just wondering when the band uniforms arrive.

Good thing none of this has anything to do with that “single issue”… right, Chuck?

Speaking of Deserving Easy Contempt…

Spoken like a true superhighway to citizenship apparatchik.

At least we don’t throw phones at them.

A Matter of Priorities

Regime Media OMIT FEMA Running Out of Hurricane Relief Funds While Spending $1B To House Illegal Aliens [More]

Why would Democrats give away the extortion card and the source of future votes?

[Via Michael G]

Related UPDATE

If true, and if there’s no good reason, this is a test:

The conspiracy theorist in me says the intent is to sacrifice low-level FEMA pawns and provoke a low-hanging fruit first strike to crack down on the “greatest threat.”

‘Unintended’ Consequences

IG: DHS Doesn’t ‘Fully Access Risks’ When Releasing Illegal Aliens Without IDs Into U.S. “If CBP and ICE continue to allow noncitizens — whose identities immigration officers cannot confirm — to enter the country, they may inadvertently increase national security risks.” [More]

[Via Michael G]

Alien Nation

The National Partnership for New Americans is a group funded by George Soros that has been naturalizing hundreds of thousands of individuals — at least a quarter of a million of them. “Their goal is to continue to naturalize these migrants and make them into voters,” Wheeler explains. [More]

Good thing this has nothing to do with that “single issue.” And I have that on good authority.

Rope-Selling Capitalists

The “jobs Americans won’t do” theory of immigration is one of the most pernicious lies of the past half century. [More]

As is “the jobs Americans can’t do.”

That’s just a way to make excuses for the subversive scam of teachers’ unions, where incompetence is a feature, not a bug. Create chaos and dependency through indoctrination and ignorance, and add in importing pathway-to-citizenship foreign nationals whose countries can somehow churn out employees with superior technical abilities on a pittance of what we spend per capita on students, and you have all the ingredients for control — of all kinds.

Cheap labor Republicans play right into leftist hands. I’m still shaking my head at supposed “gun rights leaders” making excuses for Grover Norquist, and deliberately sticking their heads up their @$$es with the “single issue” red herring.

[Via WiscoDave]

Pre-Election Tone-Down

Harris Silent on Past Promise to Give ‘Dreamers’ Pathway to Citizenship – The campaign also didn’t say if Harris would support “using ‘parole in place” for any other group of undocumented immigrants.”[More]

Of course it’s what she intends. She just doesn’t weant to tell the electorate until after she’s in office.

Just like she’s not going to take guns.

Good Thing This Has Nothing to Do with That ‘Single Issue’!

Received via email:

Mass Immigration Reduction Act of 2024

So, naturally:

Prognosis 1% chance of being enacted

What further proof is needed that we are being ruled by traitors?

None Dare Call It Treason

Nearly 500 Republican, Democrat Officials Urge Joe Biden to Import 2.5 Million Migrants to Fill American Jobs [More]

Cheap labor Republicans (suicidal fools) are every bit the enemy as pathway to citizenship Democrats.

Good thing this has nothing to do with that “single issue.” And I have that on good authority.

[Via JG]

Single Issue Suicide

What that means for the future of the 2nd Amendment in a nation that is becoming majority-minority is pretty grim. Every three million new mestizo voters is a net one million voters who want more gun control and even if they aren’t really concerned with it, will agree to more gun control if that is what it takes to get more free stuff. [More]

It’s nice to know mine is not a lone voice, but I am wondering where the hell everybody else is.

[Via CP]

I Thought This Had Nothing to Do with That ‘Single Issue’…

Is Hispanic Support for Gun Control A Cause for Concern? [More]

You have to ask?

The “pathway to citizenship” is the existential threat.

As for existing ones, care to try for some NRA ratings?

No shortage of sellouts here, too

Sure, outreach is- a fine and necessary idea. All gun groups should have been doing it. Just don’t forget to compare grassroots fundraising to what’s needed to compete for eyes and ears with this

[Via Andy M]

Cheering on the Existential Threat

“We know our immigration system is broken and we know what it takes to fix it: comprehensive reform. That includes strong border security and an earned pathway to citizenship,” Harris said. [More]

That includes 30 million + new Democrats. It does not include the concerns of traditional gun-owning Americans.

Good thing this has nothing to do with that “single issue.” And I have that on good authority.

Great Society Redux

“When we empower people, we help them achieve self-sufficiency and access the American Dream.” [More]

Yes, nothing screams independence louder than “entitlements.”

And note the assumption they’re here to stay.

Good thing this has nothing to do with that “single issue.” And I have that on good authority.

Walking Down the Aisle to Citizenship

The Biden Administration is reportedly planning to announce a new amnesty plan that would allow illegal immigrants to obtain legal status if they are married to U.S. citizens. [More]

Good thing this has absolutely nothing to do with that “single issue.” And I have that on good authority.

[Via Michael G]

Demeans to an End


Why is there even a discussion? Seriously. You demean yourself when you bring yourself down to that level. There is no debate needed. [More]

I asked for clarification on that and didn’t get it. In any case, I’m not going to let it stand.

Non-citizens DO vote in some elections and the movement is growing. Only seven states specifically prohibit it in their constitutions.

And the subversives are doing everything they can to bulldoze a superhighway to citizenship for tens of millions of illegals.

I wish there were a discussion, seriously, because no rice bowl gun group will admit it is the greatest threat to “legal” recognition of RKBA.

Who’s demeaning whom?

You’re right about one thing but for the wrong reason: No debate is needed because truth is not debatable.

Change my mind.

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