Why Congress Needs To Swiftly Pass Concealed-Carry Reciprocity [More]
We understand why.
Wake me when you’ve figured out how.
[Via bondmen]
Notes from the Resistance
Well, there is ONE reason: Democrats.
I should have said no Constitutionally valid reason.
The Austin, Texas-based Liberty Justice Center on Jan. 7 filed a lawsuit on behalf of two truck drivers against the state of Minnesota, arguing that the state’s failure to recognize other states’ firearm permits violates the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. The lawsuit aims to defend the two truckers’ constitutional right to bear arms in public and carry them in their trucks across state borders. [More]
And not just truckers from the looks of things…
[Via Jess]
I hate to be Eeyore, but with all the hyperbole and excitement I’m seeing about national Constitutional Carry reciprocity, it doesn’t seem out of line to ask the gushers and the click baiters to provide a realistic estimate of whose votes we can count on, and which “Republicans” will join with the slim Democrat minority to keep the bill from getting to the president’s desk.
No one would like my caution to be proven unfounded more than me. The last thing I want to see with such great expectations is the wind taken out of everyone’s sails.
Anyone care to help me jump on the bandwagon?
H.R. 38 (118th): Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act [More]
With permits, of course, which leaves me out.
I don’t see a prognosis yet so I’ll give mine: Good luck getting “Republicans” like Brian Fitzpatrick and Susan Collins not to join with the Democrats to keep this from ever getting to the president’s desk.
Change my mind.
Oh, and about that line… (NSFW!)
[Via Jess]
Rep. Thomas Massie made the news recently when he introduced HR9534, the National Constitutional Carry Act, correctly noting “No one should have to beg the government to exercise a constitutionally protected right anywhere in the country.” [More]
I asked him direct questions and true to form (and unlike most), he answered directly. President Trump really needs to look at why Massie takes the positions he does and realize that’s what it will take to Make America Great Again.
Prognosis 1% chance of being enacted
Let Republican win in November and we’ll see where it goes. And Massie knows better than anyone how that works.
H.R. 5767: To prohibit any State that suspends open or concealed firearm carry licenses from receiving Federal financial assistance. [More]
Here’s all you need to know:
Prognosis 1% chance of being enacted
Stop me if you’ve heard this one before.
This kind of pandering to the base to score political points actually does harm, as it distracts attention from more achievable priorities we should be paying attention to/sharing.
[Via Jess]
If … we trust you enough to drive a motor vehicle and register your driver’s license right and we’re going to opt you in to be a voter why not also opt these people in to carry guns under ccw permitting system so they get their own card that they can use across the country in relevant states that recognize through the reciprocity system those Concealed Carry Permits that are in your wallet…? [Watch]
It’s an interesting and creative thought but it’s dependent on reversing Democrat majorities and even then would be tied up in the courts for years waiting for a Supreme Court of as yet unknown composition to first agree to hear a case and then rule favorably on it.
Besides, reciprocity becomes a moot point as citizens, per SCOTUS in Dred Scott, have “the right to … keep and carry arms wherever they went.”
That and it’s hard to see how having more people voting favors anyone but ignorance-dependent Democrats. Me, I think Gov. Shapiro just signed the death warrant for PA Republican representation.
And based on his subversive gun betrayals, I think it’s deliberate sabotage by an embedded enemy.
[Via Jess]
People shouldn’t lose their National constitutional rights whenever they venture into other states. If you have a … a First Amendment right in one state you should have it in the other state. If you have a Second Amendment right in one state you should have it in the other state because these are these are rights that are enshrined in our national Bill of Rights… and there wasn’t a whole lot of discussion about it but there is brief mention of the Full Faith and Credit Clause. I always thought that that would be a very very good argument going forward for … every state. If you got a license or permit issued by your state, I mean, what is holding these other states back from recognizing these licenses…? [Watch]
What are these “licenses” and “permits” so many ostensibly on “our side” are so ready to legitimize as a good thing?
We’re past that stage. What were once viewed by some as incremental building blocks have turned into undeniable stumbling blocks.
The very term “reciprocity” is unconstitutional, offensive and absurd in the context of rights.
[Via Jess]
Especially in light of SCOTUS in Dred Scott:
“It would give to persons … who were recognised as citizens in any one State of the Union, the right to … keep and carry arms wherever they went.”
It doesn’t “give” anything, but the rest is what the understanding was.
So much for “permits” or any level of government having “reciprocity” approval authority. So much for “sensitive areas.”
What a mess! And this mess is because the NRA is so desperate for relevance that it chose to wing this effort without talking to knowledgeable people in Montana about the idea and effort. [More]
Gary Marbut of the Montana Shooting Sports Association exposes some heavy-handed blundering by the “800-pound gorilla” that failed to coordinate with the locals and account for the state constitution.
It’s not the first state group I’ve heard of with similar complaints. Now that they’re desperate to divert attention away from Wayne and the rubber stamp board and look like they’re doing something relevant, don’t be surprised to see more.
U.S. Senators John Cornyn (R-TX) and Bill Hagerty (R-TN), along with 43 of their Senate colleagues, today introduced the Constitutional Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act, which would allow individuals with concealed carry privileges in their home state to exercise those rights in any other state that allows concealed carry, while still abiding by that state’s laws [More]
Yeah, well where the hell were the Republicans when there was a chance to actually pass it?
[Via Jess]
H.R.38 – To amend title 18, United States Code, to provide a means by which nonresidents of a State whose residents may carry concealed firearms may also do so in the State. [More]
I don’t see a prognosis yet, but without a Senate majority, consider the odds of passing 0%. As such, I’m not going to spend much time on this as there are other more pressing and more probable priorities to focus on.
I do note one Democrat co-sponsor, Maine’s Jared Golden, who will be up for reelection in ’24. My assessment, he’s trying to build some cred with the Fudds on something he knows can’t pass, and has the OK from the party because he’s a hundred-percenter with the abortionists. His ratings from the gun groups are pretty revealing — of them:
[Via Jess]
S. 4501: Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act [More]
He knows there’s no chance of this passing unless the Republicans win big in November, something some in their leadership are trying hard to f*** up, so how is this not knowingly pandering for credit without actually changing anything?
[Via Jess]