The New Slavemasters

California lawmaker unveils ‘Genealogy Office’ to decide who’s REALLY descended from slaves and wins reparations payouts – Planned office to decide which residents get payouts, and who’s left hanging Recipients must be descendants of slaves of ‘free black persons,’ papers show [More]

They can tie them in with records going back beyond the Civil War, but asking for Vote ID is disenfranchising?

What if they were owned by these guys?

And can we sue the descendants of the original sellers?

Bonus points if you know the origin of the word.

[Via bondmen]

The Peculiar Institution

North Korea (104.6 people per 1,000 population), Eritrea (90.3), and Mauritania (32) have the highest number of modern slavery victims, the report said. [More]

No demands for reparations…?

They have something else in common, too:

  • In North Korea, no civilians may lawfully acquire, possess or transfer a firearm or ammunition.
  • In Eritrea, civilians are not allowed to possess any form of firearm.
  • The regulation of guns in Mauritania is categorised as restrictive.

Most peculiar, how that works…

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