‘We all have the same hope’: St. Louis Regional Crime Commission under new leadership [More]
Yeah, a culture of disarmed snitches has always been MY goal…
[Via bondmen]
Notes from the Resistance
Become a vigilante to help us catch dangerous drivers, police tell public- Citizen detectives are being urged to film drivers tailgating, using their mobile phones at the wheel and not wearing a seat belt [More]
Be funny if the footage shows the snitch was behind the wheel and he ends up convicting himself…
[Via Steve T]
[H]e was found out, I say found out because someone reported him to the ATF that he was selling firearms by a couple of Karens. Now we know who those Karens are and those Karens happen to be FFLs themselves. They are both gun shops in the Sterling Alaska area, so these FFLs turned in a fellow gun enthusiast because they wanted his business. [Watch]
I won’t have time to do this for a while, so if any of you can locate these gun stores’ social media accounts, it would be helpful to link to any related posting and commenting going on.
[Via Jess]
Angry cyclist who screamed at driver that he has ‘more rights’ fined after calling cops – The cyclist later admitted he had lost his temper and said the driver was ‘the subject of my wrath’ [More]
Exactly why is Jackson’s father in prison? Well, he’s currently rotting away behind bars because Jackson called the FBI and reported his father for participating in the January 6 “insurrection,” while giving federal authorities all the evidence they would need to convict him. If I could ask Jackson one question (he’s currently much too busy studying political science when he isn’t making appearances on MSNBC or CNN or doing interviews with the Washington Post to respond to someone like me), it would be this: have you seen any of the coverage of what happened after Donald Trump was elected in 2016 and if so, how can you sleep at night after betraying your own father? [More]
“Fatherland”… how appropriate.
I wonder what karma has in store for this sanctimonious young fool.
[Via JG]
Michigan Lawmakers Approve Tip Line for Children to Anonymously Report Parents for ‘Improper’ Gun Storage [More]
Give those young Pioneers a Pavlik Morozov Award!
Establishment Democrats aren’t even trying to hide their Soviet affinities anymore.
[Via Jess]
From the people who call US fascists…
[Via WiscoDave]
A similar network still exists in present day Cuba and is known as the Committee for the Defense of the Revolution, with chapters on each block, charged with turning in their neighbors for such heinous crimes as buying rice and beans on the black market or selling a used washing machine without a government permit. How far away are we from this system in this country? [More]
Based on results…?
[Via bondmen]
When Your Neighbor Turns You In – Authoritarian societies depend on people ratting each other out for activities that were recently legal—and it’s already happening in the US. [More]
Funny. Wired wants us to believe the danger comes from proponents of limited Constitutional government.
Not a word about any of this… or cancel culture, struggle sessions, or SWATting gun owners…