President Trump Can Lead in Fight Against State-Level 2nd Amendment Infringements

“What are you going to do about it, President Trump?” [More]

First, we neeed to realistically look at what he CAN do. Then we need to realistically look at what he WILL do and use every means at our disposal to get his ear and try to keep him on course.

Three Thousand Tyrants

With ‘the best friend gun owners have ever had in the White House’ to return, gun-safety groups eye state level actions [More]

Everybody remembers the Benjamin Martin quote, right?

Which is exactly why this needs to be a priority:

Imagine now the Department of Justice under an actual Second Amendment advocate, and what it could do fighting infringements and prohibitionist lawfare waged by states with unlimited tax war chests in tandem with Astroturf prohibitionist groups funded by antigun elites. Right now, the costs to defend against these innumerable assaults on all levels are borne by gun rights groups and members of mostly modest means who can only support a fraction of what is needed. That equation could be turned on its head.

If it’s not, we’ll know our best friend conned us and our “gun rights leaders” never asked him for it.

[Via Jess]

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