From the Land of the Ice and Snow

around 10 dead“…

It looks like licensing, registration, and categorized police permissions didn’t work…

I wonder if VoxFudd Tom Heberlein still thinks they’ve got the answer

No word yet on the identity of the shooter…

[Via CP]

It Depends Upon What the Meaning of the Word ‘Swedish’ Is

Norway is becoming increasingly concerned about Swedish criminal gangs, already known for their crimes in Denmark, where they operate throughout the country and are linked to a number of serious violent crimes. [More]

So… these “Swedish gangs”… do they have names like Nils and Lars, or Rawa and Ismail…? Funny, or deliberate, that the Euractiv report doesn’t mention it…

[Via Michael G]

Triangle of Madness

Triangle of Sadness director Ruben Östlund: ‘You should need a licence to use a camera – you need one for a gun’ [More]

All you need to know about this overprivileged hive insect:

[T]he double Palme d’Or winner talks about the power of the screen – big and small – and why the next generation will be Marxist

And here’s what his comrades have planned for his native Sweden.

These people just don’t think like anyone normal.

[Via Steve T]

On We Sweep with Threshing Oar, Our Only Goal Will Be the Western Shore

Are you VDARE?

[Via WiscoDave]

On We Sweep with Threshing Oar, Our Only Goal will be the Western Shore

“We will hunt the gangs, and we will defeat the gangs. We will take them to court. If they’re Swedish citizens they will be locked up for a long time in prison and if they are foreign citizens, they will also be expelled.” [More]

What percentage of “Swedish citizens” are new Swedish citizens?

[Via Michael G]

Immigrant Song

The urban crime gangs dominating Swedish cities are almost exclusively made up of immigrants, according to Amir Rostami, a leading criminologist and professor who based his findings on police data. [More]

We are your overlords…

[Via bondmen]

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