‘We Paid for Our Cities to Burn’

Tides Foundation is the Soros ‘charity’ that funded much of the Antifa BLM protests in 2020. (Besides many other crappy things.) USAID was one of Tides’ primary funders. [More]

So, it’s not so much been Soros money as OUR money…

The more networks and connections that get exposed, no wonder even “mainstream” Democrats like Chuck Schumer are behaving like common street Marxists.

[Via Michael G]

Your Tax Dollars at Work?

The whole thread is here.

And as long as we’re following threads, Everytown then donates to the “independent journalism project,” The Trace

Now here’s the caveat: As explained when people question why it says “Taxpayer funds $0”:

Just to clarify here folks, the money started off from USAID and was funneled around and ended up in the anti-gunners’ hands. It was not direct. Doesn’t change the fact that it started off in your bank account…

I’d like to see a forensic accountant’s take on this.

[Via CP]

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