For the Children

Youngkin’s proposal would require schools to recognize a transgender student’s gender identity only if the student’s parent had requested it in writing and had legal documentation stating so. Otherwise, teachers cannot refer to students by different names or pronouns. [More]

Parental consent? What a hate-filled fascist, right?

[Via Mack H]

Jonesing for Publicity

Teenagers deserve the right and should be out riding bikes and having fun, playing ball, not dodging bullets. This is my second teen in three or four days. [More]

Maybe the problem isn’t with guns per se, and that opportunistic political whores who encourage poor choices up to and including lawlessness and rioting owe more to their communities than a photo op hospital visit to benefit from the predictable results of his handiwork…?

[Via Mack H]


Wrong-Thinking is Punishable

Board of Health calls commissioner’s comments an ‘embarrassment’ [More]

The embarrassment should be on those holding the inquisition and demanding those they fraudulently smear as heretics recant.

Where they attribute “inequities” to “systemic racism,” an impartial analysis might call personal lifestyle choices to attention, and what they call “gun violence” is just a calculated violence monopolist propaganda point.

I figured out what this “board” reminds me of.

[Via Mack H]

New Dominion

After Uvalde Mass Murder, Fairfax County Passes Resolution Asking General Assembly to Ban Assault Weapons, Grant Localities More Authorities to Regulate Guns [More]

And Jorge helped!

What I want to know is if Glenn Youngkin will pledge to veto it.

I see his answer to my concern is a solid “No!”

UPDATE: Same goes for this, from a familiar headcase.

[Via Mack H]

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