We’re the Only Ones Cut Back Enough

Baltimore is now facing apocalyptic levels of policing shortages. Last week, THREE police officers patrolled a whole district of 61,000 residents. [More]

So what better way to divert attention from total incompetence than to gaslight everyone with a meme that those opposed to DEI “don’t have the courage to say the ‘N’ word“… ?

Now, when the city descends further into hell, anyone pointing that out can be condemned as racist.

[Via bondmen]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

2 thoughts on “We’re the Only Ones Cut Back Enough”

  1. “Last week, THREE police officers patrolled a whole district of 61,000 residents.”

    What would any reasonable person do if they were one of those three cops?

    Exactly what more and more cops nationwide are doing in situations like that.


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