The People Have Spoken?

A controversial bill to expand gun rights had its third hearing at the Ohio Statehouse on Tuesday. About 80 people submitted opponent testimony, compared to just over 20 who testified in favor of House Bill 51, known as the Second Amendment Preservation Act, last week; opponents said that alone should be a signal of what … Continue reading “The People Have Spoken?”

Just Like the Founders Intended

U.S.D.C. Judge Strikes Down Missouri’s ‘Second Amendment Preservation Act’ as Unconstitutional [More] And just look at all those “staunch supporters of the Second Amendment” who voted to confirm him! Funny: Nothing about Democrat cities and states refusing to cooperate with ICE… [Via bondmen]

Faithfully Representing Their Consituents’ Interests

Missouri House Minority Leader Crystal Quade (D – District 132) and several others signed a letter sent to Gov. Mike Parson’s office on Thursday. The group suggests three specific courses of action in the letter to prevent tragedies like last week in Missouri: Universal background checks, strengthened extreme-risk protection orders and repealing the Second Amendment … Continue reading “Faithfully Representing Their Consituents’ Interests”

We’re the Only Ones Harboring Enough

Cop Tells Citizen He Let a Double Homicide Suspect Walk Free Because ‘We Don’t Report Illegal Immigrants… We’re a Sanctuary City’ [More] That door doesn’t swing both ways, does it? And rebelling against the deliberate destruction of the Republic by government subversives is “insurrection.” [Via bondmen]

Ignorance is No Excuse – Neither is Subversion

It is difficult to imagine a situation where accurately firing from 1,000 yards would be necessary to defend oneself … We need not conclude that the right to train with firearms is a necessarily protected right under the Second Amendment. [More] Of course it is, you lying morons. Leave it to “common sense gun safety” … Continue reading “Ignorance is No Excuse – Neither is Subversion”

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