A Call for Naked Tyranny

Highland Park shooting: Harris calls on Congress to ban assault weapons, ‘end this horror’ of gun violence [More]

That’s because she’s a tool and a traitor bent on aiding enemies foreign and domestic by  undermining “the security of a free State.”

Biden admin sues Arizona over law requiring proof of citizenship to vote in federal elections [More]

That’s because he’s a tool and a traitor bent on aiding enemies foreign and domestic by undermining “the security of a free State.”

As is any enforcer just following orders.

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “A Call for Naked Tyranny”

  1. Ban “assault weapons”, a.k.a. remove firepower from the citizenry and leave it with agents of the State.

    Allow non-citizens to vote, a.k.a. remove voting power from the citizenry and leave it with foreign interlopers.

    Another example: Raise taxes and interest rates during rapid inflation, a.k.a. remove buying power from the citizenry and leave it with banks, corporations, and foreign investors.

    I think I’m noticing a pattern here….

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