None Dare Call It Bipolar

The FDIC will eliminate “reputational risk” from regulatory standards. Since President Obama began “Operation Choke Point,” Democrats and anti-gun financial institutions have weaponized “reputational risk” to de-bank the gun industry. [More]

See? Back and forth, back and forth

[Via Jess]

‘Will You Walk into My Parlour?’ Said the Spider to the Fly

“Not Today, Satan!”: Ex-FBI Agent Finds Possible ATF Honeypot Website Operation Selling Glock Switches [More]

I wouldn’t be so sure it’s the feds.

I wouldn’t put it past the antis to do something like this so they could report any low-hanging fruit placing orders.

[Via WiscoDave]

Common ‘Law’

N.Y. Federal Judge Upholds N.Y. Stun Gun/Taser Ban… “[T]he Second Amendment does not protect those weapons not typically possessed by law-abiding citizens for lawful purposes.” Therefore, Plaintiffs must show that stun guns and tasers are in “common use” today, and that they are “typically possessed by law-abiding citizens for lawful purposes.” [More]

I hate to say I told you so.

[Via Jess]

Always Look on the Bright Side of Life (Whistle)

But this is NOT a major loss for 2A or gun rights. First, it is not a 2A case so it does matter at all to Heller/Bruen analysis. Second, SCOTUS clearly left open the door for Trump to repeal the Biden ATF regulations (or even rewrite them in a very favorable way for the “home-made gun” industry… [More]

Regardless of how it was presented, this definitely is an infringement on the right of the people to keep and bear arms. And the next administration can undo any rule change this one makes.

Not the first time I’ve questioned this guy

Herschel has some thoughts.

We’re the Only Ones ‘Cop’rophilic Enough

Police chief pooped by desks, spiked coffee with Viagra, cops say in list of assault complaints [More]

He was trusted to carry a gun while citizens whose rights New Jersey Democrat prohibitionists $h!+ on weren’t.

In all the 30+ years I was employed, the thought of doing something like this never crossed my mind, but then, I don’t have the superior training.

Maybe “Taking a Farley” should become a thing.

[Via Tacticool Memes]

Current Wild Swings of the Gun Control Pendulum

Replacing Joe Biden’s Office of Gun Violence Prevention with an Office of Second Amendment Protection, with liaison members like new ATF Chief Counsel Leider, would mean no more surprises, no more cognitively dissonant legal positions, and no more disheartening gun owner who are feeling used, abandoned and betrayed. [More]

All this back-and-forth has got to stop.

Big Win for Pam Bondi!

The Supreme Court sided with the federal government’s effort to regulate so-called ghost gun kits for making untraceable weapons. Justice Neil Gorsuch wrote the majority opinion for seven justices upholding federal regulation, over dissent from Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito. [More]


How DOJ squares that with “Every single Biden attack on gun owners and manufacturers will be terminated on my very first week back in office, perhaps my first day,” has not been stated.

Like Sands Through the Hourglass…

We Are Running Out Of Time… The current Republican response to these attacks has been to send out ludicrous form emails and newsletters telling people to “flood the Democrat’s” inboxes. While we would like to chalk this up to stupidity and the magical thinking of 5 year olds, we cannot. This is cowardice and a cynical attempt at job security. [More]

Most gun groups still haven’t learned what a waste that is, unless you want to give safe seat Democrats a good laugh.

Also from OFF:

Join Us for a 2-Day Shooting Event Benefiting Oregon Firearms Federation!


Another Bait And Switch. [More]

And She’s Getting Away With It, Too

Yet again MORE financial conflicts of interest with IL Supreme Court Justice Rochford [More]

Not that the new and improved DOJ cares

Abusive Discretion picked it up, but none of the “gun groups” are incentivized to mention it.

[Via Non_Fudd’s Ghost]

Democrat ‘Civil War’ Means Party and Its Demands on Guns Will Move Farther to the Left

While the country as a whole may not be ready for an AOC White House bid, a potential coalition builder like Wes Moore is another matter altogether. [More]

They’re looking for someone even the radicals won’t attack. And counting on Republicans to blow it in the midterms through to ’28…

And Thank You for Your Service

Sens. John Kennedy (R-LA) and Rand Paul (R-KY) have introduced legislation that would protect the Second Amendment rights of veterans who seek help at the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). [More]


While state laws vary significantly about who is required to report an individual to NICS, if the appropriations rider preventing this expires without replacement on March 14, 2025, VA may report people to NICS without a court order, as mental incompetency determinations for veterans are determined through an administrative, rather than judicial process.

Only a “4% chance of being enacted“…?

It seems that’s something that could be used against Democrats…

[Via Antigone]

Didn’t Get the Memo

AG Bondi: The ball is in your court.

[Via Jess]

Related UPDATE

We’ll see if THIS comes into play:

Protecting the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens is a high priority for @AGPamBondi. To that end, the Department will be re-evaluating some of its recent litigation positions on Second Amendment issues, including silencers.

California’s ‘Control Me Because I Can’t Control Myself’ Bill

This bill would require the Department of Justice to develop and launch a system to allow a person who resides in California to voluntarily add their own name to, and subsequently remove their own name from, the California Do Not Sell List, with the purpose of preventing the sale or transfer of a firearm to the person who adds their name, as specified. [More]

So… what the hell are they doing out without a custodian?

“Voluntary,” of course, means coereced to keep from having worse charges filed. Hey, why should people who don’t respect the Second Amendment care about the Fifth?

The feds tried this crap and never did explain where they get the authority from.

[Via Jess]

Out of Season

The 2025 New Mexico Legislative Session is now over. Below is a recap of the session and what comes next. [More]

Just because it’s over doesn’t mean it’s over.

Related UPDATE

What’d I tell ya?

New Mexico Governor Vows to Bring Lawmakers Back After Semi-Auto Ban Bill Fails to Pass [More]

It’ll never be over.

[Via Michael G]

No Fool Like an Old Fool

A 62-year-old grandmother was killed while having an overnight “conjugal visit” with her convicted murderer husband at a California prison, according to reports. [More]

Choosing, breeding with, and staying with sociopathic abusers: since when has that worked? According to collectivists, the culprit is “paternalism,” when in fact, much of society’s woes can be traced to the lack of it.

When terminal abuse happens on the outside, it helps fuel the truth-ignoring “gun in the home is dangerous to women” generality.

The Bolshevik Distractions

What you need to understand is that none of this is about Palestine, or transgender rights, or even mass migration. Everything you see is about tearing down western society and replacing it with Marxism. [More]

F. Paul Valone continues elaborating on the lessons in Rules for Anti-Radicals.

Who doesn’t believe what we’re fighting over is existential?

GRNC Alert: ‘Freedom to Carry’ Bill Advances

From Marc Erickson, Director, GRNC, via email:

On March 20th, the NC Senate passed SB50, the Concealed Carry Bill 26 to 18. Next week our House will likely be moving H5 (the complementary bill) to the House Floor for a vote.

Ammoland embeds my video from GRNC:

We have an alert active requesting that citizens contact our 100 County Sheriffs in support of the bills. This will be necessary in order to help pass the bill in the House of Representatives and then override an anticipated veto from Leftist Democrat governor Josh Stein.

Seems like the thing just wrote itself…:-)

Rotten to the Cori

Bush greets grinning useful idiots.

Cori Bush’s Husband Indicted for Wire Fraud, Allegedly Submitted False Applications To Obtain COVID Relief Funds – Bush paid her husband, Cortney Merritts, more than $150,000 in campaign funds to work as her ‘bodyguard’ [More]

An armed bodyguard…?

Boy, those commies sure like money for themselves…

[Via Michael G]

Keep Not Learning a Thing, Democrats

U.S. Senator Tim Kaine (D-VA) joined 21 of his Senate colleagues to introduce the Keep Americans Safe Act (KASA), legislation to reinstate a nationwide ban on the sale, transfer, possession, import, or manufacture of high-capacity gun magazines that hold more than ten rounds. [More]

For some reason I can’t find it on GovTrack, but the House version says “0% chance of being enacted.”

And here’s something interesting–I never noticed before that GovTrack makes editorial comments. I couldn’t capture this with a screenshot because it disappeared when I moved my cursor, so I got out the ol’ phonecam:

I should’a known: They’re on BlueSky, not X.

[Via Jess]

Giving Away the Store

Gun Stores On The Chopping Block. [More]

Don’t worry– the Republicans will put principle first!

Won’t they…?



No need for masks when you call the shots…

Wishful thinking hope Bolsheviks in power unable to control their gluttony for more will overplay their hand to where even Pam Bondi won’t be able to continue to ignore blatant civil rights violations.

New Mexico Legislative Alert

There is just a day and a half left in the 2025 Legislative Session. SB318 [ gun store liability bill] is being pushed very hard as it is seen as the best chance to pass a major gun-control law this session… It is possible [SB279, the gas-operated firearm and magazine ban] could be pulled from the committee and sent straight to the floor if it is going to have a vote by the full Senate in the closing hours of the 2025 Legislative Session.[More]

And this was written yesterday.

I’ll come back and update this post if I learn more today.

For the Children

SB 5098, if signed into law, will prohibit the presence of weapons in locations where children are likely to be present… [More]

Well, sure. You don’t want them protected because dead kids really add to the blood dance potential.

The minds manipulating the useful idiots are evil.

What must it take to be a Democrat? And what kind of parent who knows better would comply?

[Via Jess]

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