A Gun Sense Candidate

A Democrat Nevada state Senator, Pat Spearman, who is running for North Las Vegas Mayor, is in the spotlight speaking about gun violence. This is because Spearman’s son, whom she adopted, shot her nephew… [More]

And note the passive voice deflection:

It’s with a heavy heart that my family is impacted by gun violence.

Victims all! Sounds like just the person to dictate my family’s gun rules! And yours…

[Via Andy M]

There’s a Lesson in Here Somewhere

Video: Felon’s Girlfriend Takes The Gun And Kills An Off-Duty Firefighter Who Protects A Female Cashier From Getting Attacked By The Perp – No Charges Filed [More]

If the firefighter been armed things could have turned out much differently, especially if the deterrent effect resolved things without a shot being fired.

Alternatively, if he’d emerged victorious, who thinks he’d just be allowed to walk?

[Via Dan Gifford]

Not So Tough Customers

Two suspects were shot and killed in a jewelry store robbery Friday after the owner of the jewelry store opened fire, according to Orlando police. [More]

I never get tired of hearing about someone else giving the old Lance Thomas response! It sure beats going to Jared or Kays.

I wonder how soon until a sympathy-oozing reporterette interviews outraged family members complaining that the jeweler had no cause to have a gun and should have let the police they want to defund handle it.

I do wonder about the mall’s weapons policy and have not been able to find it.

[Via Jess]

We’re the Only Ones Stung Enough

Woman accused of using bees to attack sheriff’s deputies during Longmeadow eviction [Watch]

She was charged with “…four counts of assault and battery by means of a dangerous weapon…”? So that makes them assault bees?

People have been known to go into anaphylactic shock and die from bee stings, so between that and bystanders getting stung, and her saying it was “good” if people were allergic, she deserves to go down hard.

My money says she’s a Bernie supporter.

[Via Remarks]

Nothing a Cage Won’t Stop

Bronx man who smashed up Manhattan McDonald’s with ax is busted again [More]

He can’t be trusted with an ax… he can’t be trusted with a can of spray paint… he can’t be trusted with somebody else’s bicycle… it’s almost like there’s a lesson to be learned here that society can’t quite (or doesn’t want to) put its finger on…

A Red Letter Day

Pennsylvania man indicted for threatening Biden, Bennie Thompson in letter that included unknown white powder – The threatening letter prompted a shelter-in-place order for staff inside the Rayburn House Office Building [More]

Gee, those Trump supporters, and by default red state Republicans and especially gun owners, sure are violent insurrectionists that must be stopped at all costs, aren’t they?

It’s curious, how you have to go all the way down to the next-to-the-last paragraph to find:

Investigators alleged the threatening letter was sent by Vargo from the Luzerne County Correctional Facility in Wilkes-Barre, PA.

And you have to go elsewhere to find:

In mid-July, Vargo was the target of a manhunt after he escaped from the facility where he was being held on charges in connection to a previous burglary. Authorities said he had walked away from the minimal offenders unit. He was re-arrested days later with his girlfriend, Amanda Saxer, in South Carolina.

No matter, the goal of finding guilt to be shared by association has been accomplished. Way to go, Faux News!

Funny thing about the letter being sent from the slammer though– it was written and sent from a government-controlled facility where they knew the guy was a troublemaker and a risk. When I think back to how they strip-searched Wayne Fincher’s mail, it makes me wonder how Vargo’s breezed on through– unless someone found it advantageous to allow it.

Then again, Wayne was a truly dangerous man. He believed in freedom.

We’re the Only Ones Biting Off More Than We Can Chew Enough

Yet another scientific body has debunked bitemark analysis. The courts still won’t care. [More]

Next, you’re going to tell me most of what I see on CSI and all its spinoffs is agenda-driven BS intended to bolster a public belief in the infallibility of state enforcers…

[Via Michael G]

Making the Cut

Missing Oklahoma men were shot and dismembered, police say… Before the group went missing, Prentice says he believes that the men were planning to commit a crime … Investigators said they searched a salvage yard where one of the men’s phones was tracked … evidence of a “violent event” was found at a nearby property. The owner of the salvage yard … is now considered a person of interest  … [More]

I’m wondering if the bikes meant no one was allowed to drive. In any case, this sounds like it falls under the heading of FAFO.

[Via Sweet Babboo]

Campus Hijinks

Oh, those kooky college kids! And  “gun-free zones” all!

Boola Boola!

[Via Steve T]

South of the Border, Down Mexico Way

Six women and six men were killed when unidentified gunmen opened fire in a bar in #Irapuato, a city in the center of Mexico, on Saturday night. It was the state of Guanajuato’s second mass shooting in less than a month. [More]

Another benefit of the Democrat voter recruitment program is there is literally nothing to stop such killers from coming here!

[Via bondmen]

Welcome to Sanctuary High, Home of the Fighting Virtue Signalers

Vice principal lets armed gunman into Ohio school to protect them from police: report [More]

Is it really so unfair to wonder if “progressive educator” mindsets and the race of the suspects played any part in the decision, and that a different choice would have been made had they not “qualified”?

Any bets that these same administrators who so mistrust the police also oppose anyone who’s not an enforcer being armed?

[Via WiscoDave]

And Another One

“Nick was the big, rowdy one,” a neighbor of his brother Nathaniel told The Post on Thursday. “He was the big, funny one, a big teddy bear. He was huge. Big guy, but sweet as pie… He is said to have called 911 at 10:29 p.m. and waited with an AR-15-style gun for officers to arrive, according to the station. [More]

My guess is someone who knew him better would describe him differently.

[Via Steve T]

We’re the Fauxnly Ones Qualified Enough

Do you think anyone who works for the government—not just the police—should be able to pull you over and detain you? And if a government employee who was never granted police powers assumes these powers unilaterally and clearly violates your constitutional rights, should you be able to hold them to account? Or should they be allowed to get off scot-free through “qualified immunity” merely because they work for the government? [More]

What’s the county engineer’s name?

[Via Michael G]

Facts of Life

A jury spared Florida school shooter Nikolas Cruz from the death penalty Thursday for killing 17 people at a Parkland high school in 2018, sending him to prison for the remainder of his life in a decision that left many families of the victims angered, baffled and in tears. [More]

What do you think the odds are the ones who voted to spare him also support “gun control” and gouging out the unborn?

Figures Lie and Liars Figure

By the way, when total crimes per 1K, as opposed to homicides alone, is considered as a measure of national violence, Nationmaster.com ranks Iceland, Sweden, the U.K., New Zealand, Finland, Canada, the Netherlands, Germany, Norway, Austria, France, S. Africa, and Switzerland worse than the U.S. Ask yourself this: if America is less violent with guns than most of the civilized world without guns, then what are we debating? [More]

And if you take Democrat-controlled Bloomberg cities out of the equation, armed-to-the-teeth red demographic America is less homicidal, too…

[Via Keith B]

Mansplaining Your Options, Gals

As an alternative to carrying a gun, Hemenway suggests women who feel threatened choose a different route or run during the day, in groups. If a woman feels she needs protection, “bear spray is much safer to use and just as effective as a gun would be,” he says. [More]

Sometimes, all you need to do is present… and he doesn’t seem to factor in multiple assailants.

I wonder how he’d fare…

Who’d pay good money to watch?

[Via Jess]

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