To Keep from Getting Beaten to Death is No Excuse to SHOOT Someone

“Indisputable” video evidence shows Barry Washington “assaulted Ian Cranston without provocation, resulting in head injuries that required the police to take [him] to the hospital where a brain scan and other procedures had to be performed,” Cranston’s attorney reports. [More]

Disregard reality.

We’ve established that’s racist.

Who’s Responsible?

‘Publix denies any liability’ for grandmother, toddler’s murders in Florida grocery store [More]

Ordinarily, I’d agree unless deliberate indifference to known dangers could be demonstrated. We are generally responsible for our own defense. Still, statements against customers being armed don’t help discourage predators, although, in Florida, open carry outside of specifically defined limited circumstances still isn’t an option.

As for companies that disallow any kind of carry, I’d like to see more gun owners hand the manager this card and spread the word about his refusal to sign it:

[Via Remarks]

Laying the Foundation

Why Former Slave States Became the Foundation of American Gun Culture [More]

Because white people are racist, of course!

Who couldn’t see that coming?

And did you know that “It’s only relatively recently that Americans have come to believe that guns keep a person safe and secure”? (Forget “security of a free State”– the old slave owners were obviously talking about a collective right!)

Pencil-necked academic and critic of “meritocracy [and] the Protestant Work Ethic” Nick Buttrick said it, I believe it, and that settles it!

Speaking of Shoddy Conclusions…

The Shoddy Conclusions of the Man Shaping the Gun-Rights Debate – John Lott is the most influential pro-gun researcher in the country. But his methods and findings have been repeatedly debunked. [More]

I see a lot of smears, a lot of ad hominem, and a lot of denials by those with vested monetary grant interests, but what I’m not seeing is actual data to refute him. Forgive me if I suspect a partnership with the Bloomberg-“seeded” The Trace might play a factor in this obvious hit piece.

Incidentally, I had to open this in an “incognito” window because I’ve used up my “free” reads. Forgive me again if I don’t see anything offered by these smug effete elites worth paying for.

Plenty of truth to this cover, wouldn’t you say?

[Via Dan Gifford]

We’re the Only Ones Underreporting Enough

Massive errors in FBI’s Active Shooting Reports regarding cases where civilians stop attacks: Instead of 4.4%, the correct number is at least 34.4%. In 2021, it is at least 49.1%. Excluding gun-free zones, it averaged over 50%. [More]

I’m sure that’s just an honest oversight and there’s nothing intentional, right?


[Via Jess]

Not So Tough Customers

Two suspects were shot and killed in a jewelry store robbery Friday after the owner of the jewelry store opened fire, according to Orlando police. [More]

I never get tired of hearing about someone else giving the old Lance Thomas response! It sure beats going to Jared or Kays.

I wonder how soon until a sympathy-oozing reporterette interviews outraged family members complaining that the jeweler had no cause to have a gun and should have let the police they want to defund handle it.

I do wonder about the mall’s weapons policy and have not been able to find it.

[Via Jess]

Walking the Cat Back

‘Good thing I was packin!’ Utah man is stalked by a MOUNTAIN LION during hunting trip to Idaho before shooting at it twice to scare it off [More]

I’m not real big on warning shots. The clearly unafraid stalking predator was 20 feet away and a human in Tuellar drills can cover that distance in a second and a half. I think leaving it alive will come back to haunt someone else.

All I can figure is he didn’t have his elk-hunting rifle ready yet and wasn’t sure if the handgun had the requisite stopping power to take down a p!$$ed-off puma.

[Via bondmen]

Mansplaining Your Options, Gals

As an alternative to carrying a gun, Hemenway suggests women who feel threatened choose a different route or run during the day, in groups. If a woman feels she needs protection, “bear spray is much safer to use and just as effective as a gun would be,” he says. [More]

Sometimes, all you need to do is present… and he doesn’t seem to factor in multiple assailants.

I wonder how he’d fare…

Who’d pay good money to watch?

[Via Jess]

Bringing a Gun to a Gunfight

I’m not a security guard, so if I feel compelled to draw, I’m not chasing and I’m not taking any chances. (Not that I could, as we’ve already publicly established that I don’t own any guns and never have. Nasty things, always going around killing people…)

It will be interesting to see when they catch the guy if he’ll claim self-defense. Breaking a credit union window hardly seems like legal cause for a private actor to escalate things to lethal force.

[Via WiscoDave]

Focus on the ‘Victim’

“The victim indicated she was working in her office when a man came into her office, grabbed her, dragged her into a basement, and raped her,” Stanford’s Department of Public Safety said in a statement. “The victim does not want to provide a statement to law enforcement about the crime at this time.” [More]

Here’s a surprise!

Stanford University prohibits the possession of any of the following weapons or dangerous items on the Stanford campus: firearm, dirk, dagger, ice pick, knife having a blade longer than 2 1/2 inches (except for lawful use in food preparation or consumption), folding knife with a blade that locks into place, razor with an unguarded blade, taser, stun gun, instrument that expels a metallic projectile (such as a BB or a pellet), spot marker gun (commonly known as a “paintball gun”), compressed air (airsoft) gun, or any other weapons prohibited by California Penal Code Sections 626.10 and 626.9.

Then again, aside from the absurd and wholly prejudicial “Believe Women” weapon that the left employs to try and derail Supreme Court nominees, and with campus hoaxes being all the fashion for decades now,  how do we know this even happened?

We’re the Only Ones Cheesy Enough

“I would highly suggest that if a looter breaks into your home, comes into your home while you’re there to steal stuff, that you take your gun and you shoot him. You shoot him so that he looks like grated cheese,” Judd added. [More]

It sounds cute, and I’m seeing no shortage of this sentiment (NSFW), but I have to ask: What instructions has he given his deputies if that’s what they find when they show up?

I ask because with DGU trainers advising “Shoot to stop” and ambitious prosecutors ready to bring anything that looks like deliberate overkill in front of a grand jury to make an example, I’m thinking this is about as advisable as Joe Biden telling us to shoot off the balcony and through the door.

Only the “Only Ones” get to “empty the clip,” and that’s mostly so that one or two rounds might hit the intended target.

[Via Robert J]


Assuming they even do that:

Round that killed Polk deputy came from fellow deputies, sheriff says

[Via WiscoDave]

When Seconds Count

Ross says he held the suspect, 29-year-old Roy Ward, at gunpoint about half an hour until West Virginia State Police arrived and arrested him. [More]

What have we learned?

That said, with this happening outside the home, problematic legal issues arise.  Fortunately, normal American gun owners aren’t the bloodthirsty vigilantes the lying gun-grabbers smear us as.

[Via bondmen]

1-Punch Homicide Highlights Why You Need a Gun Against ‘Unarmed’ Assailants

And even for men who pride themselves on their ability to handle themselves, fights aren’t like in the movies. You could get killed, crippled, maimed, or otherwise seriously injured. [More]

So is “Real Man” here bragging about his “toxic masculinity” and offering to duke it out with any and all attackers? Leave it to the side that gets triggered over pronouns to declare themselves the arbiters of what a real man is.

In Like a Lion

Mountain lion attacks boy, 7, at Southern California park [More]

Hell of a thing to have to charge weaponless against. You wonder what the father would have done had the cat fought back.  When I lived there and went into the wilderness with my sons, I never had nothing.

[Via Michael G]

Tangentially-Related UPDATE


Texas couple shocked to receive small armory of M16s… The couple reported the find to the authorities. [More]

It’s easy to ask “Why?” Me, I’d be wondering if this was a setup and what I could possibly do with them that wouldn’t invite one.

It’s like, imagine you found a suitcase with a million dollars worth of cocaine inside — Aside from the fact that I’d find selling it immoral, I not only don’t know anybody who has a connection into that world, I don’t want the people who do have one even knowing about me.

That’s the “problem” with us “law-abiding”  and peaceable types. We don’t know firsthand how the dark side works. And despite smears to the contrary, we are heavily conditioned against hurting others, which is why so many DGUs end without a shot fired.  It takes a lot to get us going, to the point where by the time we do react with appropriate force, it may already be game over.

Those who aren’t similarly self-restrained know and count on that. And that’s why training, repetition, and anticipation are so important.

[Via Remarks]

Convenience Store Clerk’s Execution Shows Danger of ‘Giving Robbers What They Want’

They’re forbidden to have the means of defense. Instead, those who demand they stay this way offer useless advice guaranteed to leave them at the mercy of those who have none: “Give them what they want.” [More]

The question must be asked: “What if what they want is your life?”

Blowing Out More Than Candles

Gun-Toting Grandson Unloads on Shooters When Grandma’s Birthday Party Erupts in Gunshots [More]

If my admitted presumption about the defender and his family is correct, that means the gun-grabbers would rather see innocent minorities killed than armed.

We know they would regardless, but that would kind of put an exclamation point on it.

[Via Robert J]

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