An Outsized Impact

Salt Lake City high schools will begin staffing weapon detectors after fall break. But some parents and a few Salt Lake City School Board members worry the technology may have an outsized impact on students of color. [More]

I note none of the objections are centered on the Fourth Amendment and teaching young people that their privacy is sacrosanct and only to be abridged after a person receiving full due process has demonstrated he abused his right by harming the rights of others. And since their attendance is compulsory, perhaps a mention of supposed Fifth Amendment protections against self-incrimination would be in order.

And if Bayyd is emotionally exhausted and requires two days of prep time to face TSA, well, that seems kind of like a red flag on mental stability right there.

[Via Henry]

On Appeal

Our lawsuit was consolidated with five others also suing the governor over her order. Last night, after consulting with our fellow parties, we filed an appeal with the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals challenging the decision on the preliminary injunction. [More]

The state has unlimited tax plunder to use against us. While footing their bill, don’t forget to foot ours.

My Guess Would Be ‘All’

Hamas terrorists were directed by their leaders to target elementary schools and youth centers in Israel to “kill as many people as possible” during their bloody sneak attack over the weekend, according to a report. [More]

Without kneejerk buying into all claims by parties with vested interests, I’m just wondering how many “pro-Palestinian” leftists are also against arming teachers here.

There’s an idea– a pressure campaign on the gun-grab groups to get them to condemn Hamas, and when they refuse and come up with some equivocal weasel words, sic both leftist sides against them.

Two can play at divide-and-conquer.

ULLA SELLA ‘n all that…

Right-Wing Extremists Gone Wild

Multiple People Shot at Historically Black Morgan State University in Baltimore -Police Looking for Three Shooters [More]


Unauthorized use, possession or storage of any weapon.

Since Black Lives Matter and since Garland and Wray assure us “white supremacists” are the greatest threat, can we safely assume they’re looking for hate-filled MAGA neo-Nazis?

[Via Michael G]

Safety First!

A former Lyft driver appeared in St. Louis Circuit Court on Monday and admitted to the 2019 kidnapping and rape of a young woman. [More]

Thank goodness company policy protected him!

“We have a strict no-weapons policy, violation of which can result in a permanent ban from Lyft’s service,” Lyft senior manager of communications Alexandra LaManna said in an email to The Post. “The safety of the Lyft community is our top priority, and we have worked hard to implement policies and procedures to ensure its safety.”

Funny… I don’t see anything in Biden-Harris administration appointee LaManna’s LinkedIn Education and Experience profiles that show how she’s qualified to issue such a proclamation…

Could it be that “spokespeople” are just paid bull$h!++er hacks?

Kinda like someone else we know

[Via bondmen]

The Bear Necessities, Eh?

Grizzly bear attack in Banff National Park leaves couple, dog dead [More]

Abetted and enabled by:

The use of firearms (including pellet guns, bear bangers, bows, sling shots etc.) and hunting are not permitted in Banff National Park. The possession of firearms is prohibited except at a person’s primary premises or in a motor vehicle that is travelling on a highway. During transport, firearms must be unloaded and in a case or wrapped and tied securely in such a manner that no part of the firearm is exposed.

Funny, what they do allow

We’re the Only Ones Very Pretty Enough

A sweeping bill has been signed into law by Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) in the wake of the horrific Uvalde shooting, posting an armed security officer in every school in the state. [More]

Better than the one at Parkland?

A Pinkley quote comes to mind.

[Via bondmen]

Meanwhile, Over at the ‘Gun-Free Zone’…

The Richmond County Sheriff’s Office is investigating a shooting at Josey High School. [More]

But we can’t tell you the little darling’s name because, while he may be old enough to get “progressive” approval for puberty blockers, he’s still too young for that.

I do wonder if he’s a known troublemaker or simply defending himself against someone who has been given continuous passes and felt he had no choice.

It also looks like these Democrats aren’t much for diversity…

[Via Steve T]

An Inconvenient Truth

Michigan Court: University Firearms Ban ‘Consistent With the Second Amendment’ [More]

Maybe not with the Second Amendment, but inconveniently, consistent with Jefferson and Madison. Evidently, they wanted to minimize dueling.

What the crowing antis don’t tell us is that the rule was not a law with criminal penalties, but instead, violations could result in “minor punishments at the discretion of the Faculty, or of the board of Censors, approved by the Faculty.”

Still, if we’re talking historical context, I’m not seeing a way around this “Gotcha!” except to make a different argument entirely.

That said, if anyone does see a way around it, that’s why we have “Comments” here.

[Via Michael G]

From Chicago to Cheyenne

“Uvalde? Small town. VA Tech? Small college town. Newtown? Small New England town. Parkland? Small town that had just been voted Florida’s safest town. Most mass shootings occur in small towns,” Packnett Cunningham wrote, tagging Aldean. “Your listeners are dying,” she criticized. [More]

All operated under big city predator empowerment zone edicts that ensured a defenseless victim pool where seconds counted and help was minutes away…

Despite Obama’s admission about Cheyenne.

And all anomalies where the final count was equivalent to one hot weekend in Chicago

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