Sensitive, Aren’t We?

Oh, so that’s the reason.

I appealed the warning and gave as my reason:

This tweet documents photographic evidence that Hunter Biden has committed a second firearms-related felony that no one else in the media is covering.

That and I could find a million photos on Twitter that show more skin.

I’ll letcha know what they say.


I just noticed someone sent me a Facebook message yesterday:

Thanks for posting the article on your fB Page on June 8 & 9th. I was curious if you received any notice from fB about it because I attempted to share it on my page and immediately noticed that it goes “against Community Guidelines” Really?!?!

As a result of sharing it, my #2A businesses have been issued a 28-day ban on Facebook.

I thought it was a well-documented and written article with citations, proof, and a reasonable argument.

Because there is no “Fact-Check” or notice on the post, it must be ok with it. However, just now, in writing this message, I tried to save the article here on fB, which issued two additional warnings that it was contraband.

Again though wanted to thank you for writing the article and the interesting observation and argument presented. I am curious if you have seen any additional follow-up or responses about your presentation. Somebody doesn’t want folks to ask the question.

That, of course, was the same Hunter Biden article, and no, FB never contacted me or took any kind of ban action against me.  This and this are both still up with no warnings to me. I guess if they don’t let you know it makes exposing their censorship practices less likely.

Remember the first time they said I violated their “community standards”?

People lots bigger than me don’t want anyone to notice this. Unfortunately, I can’t create a Streisand Effect by myself.

Alternatively, Stop Helping Information Controllers Create Manipulative Narratives

Stop Making Killers Famous [More]

Agreed. Make the @$$holes notorious instead by exposing their collectivist natures. After all, no monster who does this can possibly believe in due process and equal protection, which automatically makes them enemies of freedom advocates (even though the collectivists will throw out terms like “right-wing” to conflate them with traditional culturists.)

What I don’t agree with is withholding their identities for reasons highlighted here. Doing so makes us rely entirely on politically beholden “authorities” and their media allies for an “official” narrative, with social media tech giants erasing any online tracks that might lead to different endpoints. That results in the public being deceived by lies claiming outrageous crap like “Robert ‘Bobby’ Crimo III confirmed to be raging Trump supporter.”  Engineered public ignorance is then exploited to gin up demands for gun bans.

So no, I don’t agree that names should be suppressed. Had that effort been more thorough, we would not be able to see for ourselves the following information I have been warned may be considered “law enforcement sensitive” (although I don’t see why):

I suggest if you’re interested in these that you save what you want before someone tries to disappear them.

More, not fewer people should be aware of these because it is our right to investigate claims for ourselves. After all, if the government wanting to keep things under wraps was a showstopper, Gunwalker would still be a state secret.

I submit that suppression is more dangerous than any desire of budding maniacs for fame, there is no credible data showing the behavior of anyone so twisted and evil would be channeled into more benign pursuits, and the most effective thing those wishing to deter mass killers could do would be to stop providing them with unlimited unarmed-by-law victim pools.

I do not know who is behind the photo/video site (it is registered through a proxy) and note that it also contains a text link I won’t post here that is extremely racist, offensive, and vile. The home page also links to an essay by someone who has developed a similar reputation for himself.

I share Mike Vanderboegh’s contention that racism– judging a person’s worth by anything other than their ideology and conduct as an individual — reveals anyone doing so to be a collectivist, that is, my enemy.  That said, the information I have linked to appears to be authentic. That’s something those with the inclination and ability to verify things wouldn’t be able to do if we didn’t know where to start if we followed the advice we started this post with that no one with real reach is going to listen to anyway.

You know, the “real reporters” all parroting the narrative…

And this just in from @pamnsc:

Uncovered information shows Highland Park shooter, Bobby Crimo has a very dark background with ties to Antifa and the Occult [More]

Whatever it turns out to be, we need those names and those arguing against that are being short-sighted and ceding a propaganda advantage to the enemy.

Crimonology 101

Interviewed by cops twice in 2019 after he threatened to ‘kill everyone’ and had 16 knives, dagger and sword confiscated – but wasn’t arrested [More]

Surprise, surprise, surprise!

So much for nobody, including the family, knowing. Which makes Uncle Paul either a liar or someone not close to the family at all trying to publicly distance himself.


July 4 shooting: Social media companies a ‘big part’ of shooting, not sharing content with police, says ex-cop [More]

The guy is coming from an “Only Ones” mindset, so it figures that would be his top concern.

Even more objectionable in the long run: Doing this in all such cases removes a major source of information with context from being investigated, forcing us to rely on an official government narrative shaped by what it wants us to know and doesn’t want us to know for reasons it won’t share because they conflict with the tightening of the grip.


  • This lets leftist gaslighters get away with leaping to illusions like this:

Robert ‘Bobby’ Crimo III confirmed to be raging Trump supporter

BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Information Uncovered Overnight Shows Highland Park Shooter, Bobby Crimo, Is Tied to Socialists, Progressives, Antifa and the Occult

We can’t tell if the means to check has been deleted.

Father of Highland Park shooting suspect sponsored son’s firearm ownership card despite past violent threats

Completing the Revolution

It should be noted that truth is by no means the only word whose meaning has been changed recently in order for it to serve as an instrument of propaganda; others include freedom, justice, law, right, equality, diversity, woman, pandemic, vaccine, etc. This is highly concerning, because such attempts at the “perversion of language, the change of meaning of the words by which the ideals” of the ruling class are expressed is a consistent feature of totalitarian regimes. [More]

Or as Orwell noted

[Via bondmen]

Oh, Look, a ‘Right-Wing Extremist’!

YouTube, Instagram, Discord appear to pull pages belonging to Illinois shooting person of interest- He also had Spotify and Apple Music pages under an apparent rap alias [More]

Gee, why would the information controllers erase his trails? Especially when they’re simultaneously dropping hints that he was somehow affiliated with Donald Trump supporters?


Highland Park shooting suspect was ‘known to law enforcement’ [More]

No surprise there. And tell me those feeding him didn’t know he was broken.

I note the “real reporter” mentions an association with a “far-right European group” but never fleshes that out.  I guess “mission accomplished” is what mattered.

[Via bondmen]

  • Daily Beast, of all sites, helps clear that up (along with reporting that in addition to Trump references, the freak “also liked a Twitter video of President Biden”):

On most of Crimo’s social-media pages, and embedded in several of his videos, is a symbol that roughly resembles that used by Suomen Sisu, a far-right Finnish organization. Crimo, however, does not appear to mention the national group in his postings.

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