It’s the Lies

It’s the guns. [More]

Of course, it’s not. But you’ll notice the grabbers never tell you when meeting their demands will be enough– that’s because it never will be for them. They’re still arguing that Heller misappropriated founding intent and that you have no individual right to own a gun.

Of course, they’re talking about taking your guns. They have been since Day One, and it’s the one thing they say you can believe.

Enter “Pediatrician & Mom” Dr. Annie Andrews, Senior Advisor @everytown, who quickly establishes that she is a medical fraud:

Wait. It’s the “human heart”? So we need a cardiologist? Good news! I know many. They think it’s the fucking guns.

That’s two logic fails in one tweet, the first implication being that her premise speaks authoritatively for cardiologists, and the second relying on false authority that a medical degree in a specialized field qualifies them to have expert opinions in other fields.

There’s a word for such as Annie.

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “It’s the Lies”

  1. We know, or should, not to take political advice from an Oscar winning actress.

    Why should we take any from a medical doctor?

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