Incompetent ‘Contagious Disease’ Diagnosis for Guns a Prescription for Tyranny

So, if someone else does it you can catch it? What’s the agent of transmission, and how does it enter the body? Can we vaccinate against it? [More]

If what they say is true, shouldn’t we all be wearing face diapers or something?

It’s the Lies

It’s the guns. [More]

Of course, it’s not. But you’ll notice the grabbers never tell you when meeting their demands will be enough– that’s because it never will be for them. They’re still arguing that Heller misappropriated founding intent and that you have no individual right to own a gun.

Of course, they’re talking about taking your guns. They have been since Day One, and it’s the one thing they say you can believe.

Enter “Pediatrician & Mom” Dr. Annie Andrews, Senior Advisor @everytown, who quickly establishes that she is a medical fraud:

Wait. It’s the “human heart”? So we need a cardiologist? Good news! I know many. They think it’s the fucking guns.

That’s two logic fails in one tweet, the first implication being that her premise speaks authoritatively for cardiologists, and the second relying on false authority that a medical degree in a specialized field qualifies them to have expert opinions in other fields.

There’s a word for such as Annie.

Doing the Job Hamas Wouldn’t Do

An Israeli child has died three years after appearing with his father, who is a pediatrician, in a government film informing children that they have no choice about whether to take the COVID vaccine when it becomes available. [More]

Pediatricians are in the vanguard of woke agenda “medicine,” to include, of course, subverting RKBA.

[Via Henry Bowman]

Physician Heal Thyself

Medical mistakes kill, permanently disable 795,000 Americans a year, study finds [More]

So with 1,077,115 total active physicians in the U.S., how does that compare with numbers attributed to the estimated 45% of U.S. households possessing guns?

I say “attributed” because we know all households don’t bear equal culpability.

And the gunquacks are all in a dither about us…?

Why do motes and beams come to mind?

[Via Michael G]

First Do Harm

That appears to be the mission statement for Opposite Day “progressive” gunquacks:

It’s the part of me that won’t give up on our AMA efforts to stop the public health crisis of gun violence, demanding waiting periods, universal background checks, red flag laws, and bans on assault-style weapons and high-capacity magazines that our House of Delegates policy supports. Enough is ENOUGH. I’ll keep relentlessly showing up to accomplish those goals.

I wish he’d shake his rattles or yell a few times as Dr. Mbogo does. Makes you feel like he’s accomplishing something.

Don’t these charlatans have some children to give clot shots to?

[Via Antigone]

‘I’m Not a Firearms Safety Trainer, But I Play One in My Office’

Many parents receptive to discussing gun safety with pediatricians [More]

So the title “Dr.” is all it takes for some idiots to bow to uncredentialed and false authority?

What other life and death decisions would they listen to their unqualified advice on? If they were going skydiving, would they trust an uncertified gunquack to pack their chute?

[Via Michael G]

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