Mayday, Mayday

Gun Policies That May Decrease Outcomes… Gun Policies That May Increase Outcomes [More] So “may” means it’s spcualtion, not “fact.” What other outcomes “may” arise from citizen disarmament and a monopoly of violence, and how come they aren’t even acknowledged, let alone factored in? Leftist ivory tower eggheads– is it any wonder we love them … Continue reading “Mayday, Mayday”

Physician Heal Thyself

Medical mistakes kill, permanently disable 795,000 Americans a year, study finds [More] So with 1,077,115 total active physicians in the U.S., how does that compare with numbers attributed to the estimated 45% of U.S. households possessing guns? I say “attributed” because we know all households don’t bear equal culpability. And the gunquacks are all in … Continue reading “Physician Heal Thyself”

First Do Harm

That appears to be the mission statement for Opposite Day “progressive” gunquacks: It’s the part of me that won’t give up on our AMA efforts to stop the public health crisis of gun violence, demanding waiting periods, universal background checks, red flag laws, and bans on assault-style weapons and high-capacity magazines that our House of … Continue reading “First Do Harm”

An Offering to the Gods

But now, some doctors are restarting donors’ hearts after a planned cardiac arrest when life-sustaining treatment is withdrawn — meaning that the cardiac arrest wasn’t necessarily irreversible — and then causing brain death so that beating hearts can be harvested. [More] The more things change, the more they stay the same. I wonder if this … Continue reading “An Offering to the Gods”

AMA Assault Science Weapon of Choice in Mass Shillings

Mass public shootings in the US account for a small fraction of all firearm-related homicides, but have an outsized role in stoking the public’s concern with firearm violence. [More] Yeah, thanks to elites-funded hysterical “agenda science” amplified by an equally hysterical (and reliably ignorant) DSM. Doctrinaire disarmament propagandists Philp J. Cook and John Donahue (Piled … Continue reading “AMA Assault Science Weapon of Choice in Mass Shillings”

Panel to Stalin: Hold Our Beers

Health Panel Recommends Anxiety Screening For All Adults Under 65 [More] Sometimes, the old ideas are the best ones! I don’t have time to check political sympathies on all of them, but it’s instructive to note the Chair and the two Vice Chairs were all appointed after Biden took office… The gunquacks for due process-free … Continue reading “Panel to Stalin: Hold Our Beers”

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