We’re the Only Ones Unresponsive Enough

New 2021 Chicago data shows 400,000 high-priority incidents where dispatchers had no police available to send – Wirepoints [More] Oh, and I talked about giving an update. Talk about trying to put a good face on a deformed freak. As if those numbers are statistically significant trend indicators. Forget it, Jake. It’s Chi-Town. [Via bondmen]

A Man of Influence

Author Matt Palumbo Lays Out How George Soros Has Significant Control Over Media Narratives [More] “Dripping with the poison of antisemitism,” are we? Is that any way to treat a god? [Via bondmen]

Heads or Tails?

A “coin flip”: Nearly half of U.S. murders go unsolved as cases rise [More] Why that’s not like on TV at all…! [Via bondmen]

Completing the Revolution

It should be noted that truth is by no means the only word whose meaning has been changed recently in order for it to serve as an instrument of propaganda; others include freedom, justice, law, right, equality, diversity, woman, pandemic, vaccine, etc. This is highly concerning, because such attempts at the “perversion of language, the … Continue reading “Completing the Revolution”

Oh, Look, a ‘Right-Wing Extremist’!

YouTube, Instagram, Discord appear to pull pages belonging to Illinois shooting person of interest- He also had Spotify and Apple Music pages under an apparent rap alias [More] Gee, why would the information controllers erase his trails? Especially when they’re simultaneously dropping hints that he was somehow affiliated with Donald Trump supporters? UPDATES Highland Park … Continue reading “Oh, Look, a ‘Right-Wing Extremist’!”

Affairs of State

One Solution Against Tyranny Is Creating State Guards to Defend the Constitution and Fight Back Against the Deep State [More] Yeah, about that: Speaking of free states, while the power to raise armies is the purview of the Congress, state defense forces were established by some (17 plus Puerto Rico), but not all states, to … Continue reading “Affairs of State”

Yeah, What the Hell, We Might as Well P*** Off China, Too

“We should have done things earlier, we should have been supplying the defensive weapons into Ukraine earlier. We need to learn that lesson for Taiwan.” [More] What is it about violence monopolists wanting to arm everyone but their own people? And dragging the rest of us along with their Armageddon death wish? [Via bondmen]


Candidates endorsed by former President Donald Trump stayed red-hot Tuesday night in Colorado, Illinois, Oklahoma, and Utah, taking home sweeping wins in all states. The perfect night for Trump-backed Republicans puts the 45th President’s endorsement record at 144-10. [More] The people trying to destroy him and them by hearsay and innuendo know that. [Via bondmen]

Swarms of Officers

Inverted totalitarianism does not have an authoritarian leader, but instead is run by a non-transparent group of bureaucrats. This unelected, invisible ruling class runs the country from within. [More] Read a book like that once… Didn’t care for it much… [Via bondmen]  

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