None of this proves that broad concealed carry rights on balance do more good than harm (or vice versa) [More]
Not the first time I’ve not been all that impressed by this guy.
[Via Michael G]
Notes from the Resistance
British Taxpayer-Funded Anti-Extremist Study Finds Shakespeare, Orwell, Tolkien “Key Texts” For “White Supremacists” [More]
While we’re at it, don’t forget the Bible!
This is why every good dystopia has firemen.
[Via bondmen]
A document reportedly linked to black students at numerous universities refers to white people as “maggots,” “vermin” and “roaches.” [More]
Are you vermin? Because we know what can be done to those.
You gotta wonder what kind of special accommodations were made to admit some moron who doesn’t even know how to spell “monkeys” into an academic program.
[Via Michael G]
Academics Discover Lack of Wildlife in Cities Is Racist [More]
What is this “lack” of which they speak?
Besides, it depends upon what the meaning of the word “wildlife” is. (Let’s play “Tally Up the Number of Bloomberg Cities!)
Oh, look: White privilege!
And I know that’s the way you like it, oh-oh
[Via Michael G]
Besides, a “gunman” (note the implied pejorative – “Scumbag Murderer” is much more apt) intent on slaughtering human beings is not likely to be deterred by “gun laws,” and this one was no exception. [More]
The killer may not help advance their narrative as much as the gun-grabbers were hoping for.
A sex offender has been running wild and harassing women there for weeks, but the university has warned the victims not to call the police. The reason why they shouldn’t is as obvious as it is outrageous: the sex offender is a migrant, so calling the cops on him would be “racist.” [More]
Time was, angry villagers would chase the monster down.
I guess this is what happens when you start a war and lose it.
[Via Michael G]
The University of North Dakota (UND) currently provides a “Gender Pronoun Guide” and “Gender Expression Closet” for its students. [More]
Curious, how that which appears to enslave to self-destructive behavior is described as “free”…
What is it about “progressives” and Opposite Day again…?
[Via Michael G]
Time to turn Mr. Rogers into an unperson…
[Via Antigone]
Yale gives public health award to CRT professor [More]
Note the collared slave child waiting on Elihu and pals:
And importantly, Yale is still a leader in public health!
[Via Michael G]
Oregon university faces civil rights complaint for excluding whites from campus events [More]
That the guy has “filed dozens of similar complaints over the last several years” and this hasn’t been resolved yet is just another way of saying peaceful revolution isn’t in the cards.
[Via Michael G]
“Obviously, no one wants to see these tragedies occur — this loss of life — but how the problem is viewed, and therefore what the response is to that problem, is night and day difference,” said Daniel Webster, an American health professor affiliated with the Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Violence Solutions. [More]
I disagree. The violence monopolists, the rice bowl blood dancers, like Webster, and their useful idiot fanatics all count on more.
[Via Jess]
Professors argue K-12 science lessons should prompt activism… Grapin is an assistant professor in the Department of Teaching and Learning and Lee is a professor in the Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development. [More]
So neither of them are, you know, scientists…
Thank goodness! Then they’d be racists!
[Via Michael G]
Creighton University will not remove its ban on pro-Second Amendment posters despite a student libertarian group fighting over the last several months to overturn the policy on First Amendment grounds. [More]
If it’s a private university, then it’s not really 1A, is it? A better question might be why are they patronizing it?
[Via Michael G]
His talk at McGill University in Canada titled “The Sex vs. Gender (Identity) Debate In the United Kingdom and the Divorce of LGB from T Event” ended abruptly after about 100 demonstrators “stormed the room … unplugged the projector and threw flour at the speaker, and the walls inside the faculty building were vandalized as well”… [More]
Thanks, Mensheviks. Us Bolsheviks will take it from here.
[Via Michael G]
Dining hall staff prevents theft as protesters demand free food, tuition [More]
I like the Aesop ending better than the Disney version.
[Via Michael G]
“We gotta take these m————s out.” [More]
That’s the best argument for us giving up our guns I’ve heard yet!
That this… thing is still on the Rutgers faculty tells us much.
Students, staff and professors were left “angry,” “hurt” and “physically sick” at the thought of him coming to campus, based on complaints primarily filed before the event. [More]
Wait ’til they see how they feel when the commies pulling the useful idiot strings have no more use for them.
[Via Michael G]
Stony Brook prof Anna Hayward blames stabbed cops for ‘murder’ of their attacker [More]
Scroll down to see that smug grin and take comfort in one thing: She can’t possibly really be a happy person.
They say this contact link is for “media inquiries only.” I always have had a thing about “Authorized Journalists,” and in keeping with “progressive” tenets, I’d say it’s all up to how a person identifies…
[Via Michael G]
…terminating an instructor of art history for showing a class artwork that offended some Muslim students… [More]
And we know what they do when they’re offended.
Heck, if you do it right, you can get the idiot censors to celebrate with you…
[Via Michael G]
If the dean who threatened to expel me could see me now!
Terrorism, eh? I’m mentioned affectionately, I hope…? wants me to upgrade to premium to see what’s being said, so I guess my reputation management efforts will need to focus and rely on working with those who know me.
‘There is nothing wrong or ungrateful about requesting … the safe spaces necessary to make it through the antiBlack white capitalist institution, Pomona College’ [More]
Right, the problem is capitalism, that is, freedom of association and economic choices.
At $84K per year, I can barely grasp the trouble they’ve seen.
Privileged me was working in factories and warehouses as I lorded it over those with less power.
[Via Michael G]
Following killing, University of New Mexico students demand more cops [More]
Is this the point where I call in Tommy Lee?
[Via Michael G]