Gov. Lee signs bill preventing local government from enacting red flag laws [More]
Not that he’s our pal.
Give him a statewide bill and watch him jump for it.
[Via Jess]
Notes from the Resistance
California Gov. Newsom to address Tennessee Democrats’ annual fundraiser [More]
I can’t help but wonder if Bill Lee is going to be crouched under the podium pulling a Georgina Spelvin…
[Via Jess]
Tennessee Governor Bill Lee Officially Calls for a Special Session on Public Safety; Moms Demand Action, Students Demand Action, March For Our Lives, Giffords and Brady Respond [More]
He’s not only inviting them in, he’s holding the door open for them and offering them a drink.
They’re crossing the threshold and he’s crossing the Rubicon.
I’m going to start calling him Bloomberg’s Renfield.
[Via Jess]
Here is a short list of some of the medical disorders that could disqualify a Tennessee citizen from exercising their right to keep and bear arms per the medication prescribed for treatment… [More]
How can you tell if Bill Lee is lying?
[Via Doc]
After school shooting, Tennessee governor signs bill to shield gun firms further against lawsuits [More]
That’s supposed to give him a pass on his proposed Red Queen Laws?
And note how the AP couldn’t resist injecting “gun-free zone” exploitations into the mix and right out of the starting gate…?
[Via Jess]
Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee has signed off on additional protections for gun and ammunition dealers, manufacturers and sellers against lawsuits within a bill that lawmakers passed after a deadly school shooting in March. [More]
He’d better not think that will earn him a pass for what he’s got planned.
[Via Jess]
Tennessee governor schedules special session to address guns [More]
Made inevitable by “lesser of two evils” political desperation…
Take the short-term loss to avoid long-term certainty, because as we’ve seen yet once more over in Texas, counting on most “staunch defenders of the Second Amendment” not to be lying whores is a sucker’s game where the house generally wins.
If betrayers aren’t made public examples of, others will see they too can get away with it.
[Via Jess]
And after we get these, we’ll be back for more!
Thanks for showing a willingness to “compromise,” you “A”-rated treasonous Quisling.
[Via Jess]
“There is broad agreement that dangerous, unstable individuals who intend to harm themselves or others should not have access to weapons. We also share a strong commitment to preserving Second Amendment rights, ensuring due process and addressing the heart of the problem with strengthened mental health resources.” [More]
[Via Jess]
Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee signed an executive order to tighten background checks on Tuesday, marking a victory for gun reformers in the GOP-controlled state. Lee also called upon the state legislature to pass a “red flag” law that will make it easier to remove guns from people who pose a danger to themselves or others.
It’s the way of the Vichycon: Feining support when there’s something in it for you, but when the going gets tough, the rats get scurrying. This is ideologically the same as going AWOL when your brothers are under fire. What a despicable coward.
Time to resurrect an old Stieger quote: