The Impossible Dream

How is it possible to do any part of the job without infringing on someone’s rights?

There’s no such thing as a good overseer. Some are just less cruel with their illegitimate power than others.

The Wrong Way

The Supreme Court struck the ban down, making it clear that if you wanted to ban bumpstocks you had to do it the right way, which is the way the Constitution outlines, which is actually passing a bill through Congress and having it signed into law by the president. [Watch]


“Left unsaid is where Congress derives such authority in the first place, as the power to regulate and ban arms is nowhere delegated to it in the Constitution. The only clear mandate is ‘the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.’ By any branch of government.”

Change my mind. Show the section and clause.

I expect our would-be leaders to know this stuff.

A Matter of Priorities

My existential concerns about Israel’s very survival vastly outweight any concerns re local 2A rights. [More]

Whereas MY existential concerns are about the Republic’s very survival, and why I have consistently warned against the competing loyalties of “dual citizenship.”

As for Israel’s defense, we– and they — should heed the strategy outlined by the late Sam Cohen, “father of the neutron bomb,” that the U.S. could substantially reduce aid by stopping essentially dictating their defense options:

Finally, and most importantly as I see it, as an American whose concern for my country transcends by far that for Israel or any other country, if such conditions could be established for Israel’s defense and Israel were given a free hand to defend its interests in the Middle East as it saw fit, like once again bombing political enemy nuclear capabilities, we would have the golden opportunity to get out of that region. It’s been nothing more than a headache to
us ever since we first started meddling around over there and on at least one occasion it’s been downright dangerous, threatening to get us into a nuclear war.

Or, you can keep believing what the string pullers and profiteers want you to believe.

Insufficient Gun Owner Involvement in Unsuccessful Herrera Race Will Not Go Unnoticed

If this doesn’t change, correction, if we don’t change that, gun owners will be telling two supposedly opposite groups they can get away with more betrayals and infringements. [More]

Establishment Republicans and Prohibitionist Democrats just got a pretty good snapshot of gun owner willingness to walk the talk.

Opportunity Knocks

This is your opportunity to punch the gun controlling RINOs directly in the nose because the race that Brandon Herrera is in versusTony Gonzalez and all the RINO class in Washington, this has become the most important United States House race across the board… [Watch]

It’s a chance. Whether it’s a fighting chance depends on gun owners.

This is the most important video I’ve seen Braden Langley make.

As a tangential aside, it’s curious, how combative some get at the suggestion there ought to be political consequences…

[Via Jess]

That’s Debatable

Contorting, lol. And I never said, or even suggested, any of that. The 3% just objectively proves you were wrong about A+ meaning you always have to be right–it doesn’t imply anything about subjective weights of infringements. [More]

I’m moving the “debate” here because it’s bad form to hijack another man’s post with an argument, because it doesn’t limit me to 280 characters, and because I basically use “advocacy media” to promote my work, so as long as I’m doing it, why limit eyeballs?

The thread with the back-and-forths starts here. My response to this latest:

Not “wrong,” just not expecting you to argue a formal academic scale instead of one of principle. My assumption was you were saying helping Gonzales return to power only counted 3% against a grade of 100. I just didn’t realize what you were talking about because it struck me as so off-topic.

My mistake was accepting your distracting from the real issue with non sequiturs about 3% and age and four terms. It’s simple: Abbot is enabling a Quisling who sold us out to Biden’s tyranny and will predictably do so again. And you’re excusing him and doing so helps the establishment GOP exclude new and principled contenders, with no disincentives. So from my point of view, the one who “always has to be right” is the one evading that reality to instead try and score an irrelevant “gotcha.”

To me, real 2A fidelity means 100%, kind of like the reverse of you can’t be a little bit pregnant. Maybe it means something different to you.

And the “Bipartisan bill” did more than create new opportunities for ATF to destroy lives and kill your fellow gun owners on private sales. They’re extending the net for all it’s worth.


LOL, no. You are welcome to write what you want wherever you want, but I’m under no obligation to obey your unilateral dictates. Have fun with that, though.

It Depends Upon What the Meaning of the Term ‘A+ Rated’ Is

Texas governor endorses Tony Gonzales over Brandon Herrera in House race [More]

Right…endorse the Vichycon who helped enable Biden’s unconstitutional private sales ban.

Hey! This guy's a great big phony!

[Via Jess]

With Republicans Like Vichycon Tony…

If it quacks like a Democrat

And see, here’s the thing. This is another Avatar situation. It’s not just Herrera he’s calling a neo-Nazi.

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