A Noted Constitutional Scholar

The second amendment is a collective, not an individual right. Hamilton knew this (see Federalist paper 29) as did the courts for several hundred years. The modern version of the second amendment only exists because of decades of work by the gun lobby to change what 2A meant. [More]

Sure, Hamilton knew people had trades to ply, farms to tend, shops to keep, and to earn the status of “well regulated” and be able to compete with a professional army “would be injurious” due to the time commitment required. Here’s what he thought we should do about that:

“Little more can reasonably be aimed at, with respect to the people at large than to have them properly armed and equipped.”

Then they’d bring their weapons of war and muster once or twice a year to practice drill.

“You can disagree with this all you want. I’m entitled to my own opinion as are you,” he asserts in a later tweet.

“You are entitled to your opinion,” Daniel Patrick Moynihan (and no friend of 2A) famously said. “But you are not entitled to your own facts.”

Being ignorant is bad enough. Being arrogant about it is a real stool sample move.

[Via Jess]

The Obvious Solution

“If you invite me to dinner that’s all I’m gonna talk about. Have me over to your party and it’s going to be, ‘Dobbs, Dobbs, and more Dobbs!’ And I won’t stop until Roe is reinstated and 51% of Congress is female.” [More]

I think I have a quick fix for this.

I haven’t been this broken up since David Hogg threatened to not have children (although I confess I hadn’t realized he was into women, or more to the point, that any woman would be into him, and then I remembered that the new wisdom is that men can get pregnant and that he could always inseminate himself, which some of us have been telling him to do for some time.)

Maybe Try Plan B?

Hours after the anti-gun March For Our Lives rally crossed through Louisville, Kentucky, five teenagers were wounded in a shooting at a waterfront park Saturday night, according to police. [More]

I’m not sure I see a correlation/causation nexus, but this does say something about the reformative value of such efforts.

Perhaps David Hogg & Co. would be more effective if, instead of holding rallies in public places protected by armed enforcers, they made personal face-to-face appeals to gang members and spoke to them young person to young person…

Unless they’re disproportionately afraid based on race…

[Via bondmen]

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