CO Democrats Dictate Terms of Surrender

Like something out of the Gremlins movies, Senate Bill 25-003 was amended well past midnight to transform from a near all-encompassing semi-automatic ban into a permit-to-purchase scheme reminiscent of Illinois’ FOID cards. [More]

From a Rocky Mountain Gun Owners email:

Without any public testimony or stakeholders, radical anti-gun Senators changed SB-003 from an “Assault Weapons” Ban to the implementation of an Illinois-style Firearm Owner Identification (FOID) card! … Under this rebirthed version of SB-003, the weapons previously banned under this measure could only be purchased if gun purchasers, like you or I, voluntarily enter themselves into a statewide gun owner registry (fingerprints and all) maintained by the Colorado Bureau of Investigation!! … And worst of all the only way to obtain this permission slip is to pay out of pocket and spend hours at an anti-gun propaganda course from the government!

You know, just like the Founders intended.

And, of course, you’ll not need ammo for those guns we won’t let you have…

Colorado Democrats intend to bring you to heel.

[Via cydl]

Related UPDATE

EXPOSED: Outside the floor debate of SB25-003, bill sponsor Sen Tom Sullivan, harassed an individual from a Colorado gun rights organization who had left a box of petitions in his office from Sullivan’s own constituents, and he repeatedly called the petitions “trash”. [More]

It’s not just petitions Democrats call “garbage.”

[Via Jess]

Back and Forth

“This is an important ruling in a case that has been up and down the Illinois judicial ladder a couple of times already,” noted SAF founder and Executive Vice President Alan M. Gottlieb. “We expect the state to appeal again, which could put the case right back before the Illinois Supreme Court for the third time, and we are confident we will win. It’s hard to see how the Illinois Supreme Court avoids the constitutional issue, as they have done on the previous two visits.” [More]

They’ll pull something out of their … robes.

The Empire Strikes Back

After 2 Million FOID Card Holders Rebel Against Pritzker, Democrats Target Illinois Gun Owners’ Driver’s Licenses [More]

He’s altering the terms of the deal. Pray he does not alter them further.

Hey, what was the text, history and tradition of operating a private horse-drawn carriage on throughways at the time of the Founding…?

[Via Jess]

House of Cards


That citizens have to go to court to get an opinion on whether prior restraints and permits imposed on fundamental rights are constitutional illustrates how in-your-face evil disarmament scams and those behind them are. An how cud-chewingly stupid those who support them are…

Tangentially Related UPDATE

Clear and Present Danger

Illinois governor makes it easier for police to reject gun licenses – The rule change directs Illinois State Police to more broadly use “clear and present danger” reports to deny or revoke Firearm Owner ID cards. [More]

Pig Pritzker channels his inner Gold Hat:

Due process? We ain’t got no due process. We don’t need no due process. I don’t have to show you any stinking due process!

And who better to be the arbiters than the “Only Ones” who say instead of shooting attackers, women should vomit?

Assuming they can still define “woman”

[Via Jess]

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