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America’s 3D Printed Gun Problem Is Getting Worse and Spreading to the World [More]


It’s easy to miss the last sentence buried under an ad:

There was no mention in Monaco’s speech of tackling the problem of the guns themselves which the MCDs modify.

I repeat my question.

[Via Michael G]

A Bearable Opinion

Let’s hope historical analogues don’t come back to bite us. Rather than digging up what some colony did to infringe in special circumstances or older English law, put the focus on arguments put forth during ratification. We know what the founders meant, and there was nothing ambuiguous about it.

Anybody else having trouble digging up info on the defendant and his Glock switches? I’m wondering if what’s gun owners may be celebrating as a victory is actually part of an effort to turn the public against Bruen.

[Via WiscoDave]

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