Any Person

“Any person who violates the provisions of this section is guilty of a fourth degree felony.” [More]

“Any person” would seem to include any person traversing the state on these interstates.

But don’t worry. Any person will be protected as a traverser. Maybe.

For this and other “concessions” on illegitimate claims against our birthrights “we” accepted the “voice vote” Hughes Amendment…?

Does any person doubt it will pass?

[H/T Henry]


Gun and Magazine Ban Bills Scheduled for Committee Hearings [More]

NMSSA says “It is absolutely imperative that gun owners speak out on these bills.”

Yes, They are Coming for Your Guns

In HB101, which was filed today by Representative Andrea Romero, if you own a semi-automatic rifle you would have to destroy it or surrender it to the state by July 1 of this year or you would be committing a felony. The bill also makes it a felony to own a magazine that holds more than 9 rounds. [More]

At some point, there have to be stiff sanctions for in-your-face defiance of the SCOTUS ruling or they’ll just keep pulling this sh!+.

Making You an Instant Enemy of the State!

HB50 was filed today by Representative Caballero. Under the proposed legislation, owning a magazine that holds 10 or more rounds would make you a felon the moment the law goes into place. The bill even includes a $1.5 million appropriation to “carry out the provisions of the act.” [More]

When communists are in power, they assign the treasonous domestic enemy label to you.

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