Who Will Help Plant the Seed?

These cases have national implications. As you know, similar battles are being fought all over the country with varying results. But now, faced with not only our Federal lawsuits but two other lawsuits whose only goal is harassment, we are being crushed financially. [More]

That’s the plan.

Who will help eat the bread?

Time’s Up

HB 2005 could be voted in on the House Floor as early as tomorrow. It received its “Second Reading” today. That was the last stop before a vote. [More]

Since this was written yesterday, “tomorrow” means today.

Trust me, time travel is less convoluted than the lying machinations of citizen disarmament fanatics. There’s an Eloi/Morlock analogy in here somewhere.

If I get any future notices later today I’ll go back and update this post.

What’s the Constitution Got to Do With It?

As expected, the clearly unconstitutional HB 2005, with the -11 amendment passed out of the Ways and Means Committee today on a party line vote. (Even the lawyer who wrote the bill told the committee that it’s likely much of the bill is unconstitutional.) [More]

It’s not that they don’t care that it’s tyrannical. That it is is what they get off on.

Calculated Idiocracy

Hydrogen and Stupidity Are The Most Common Things In The Universe. But Not In That Order. [More]

Fighting insanity is all the harder when the madness is systemic.

I hope Oregon gun owners appreciate who is wading into this crazy mess on a daily basis and if not helping with time and effort at least chipping in for gas.

Ask yourself who would be bringing you this news and coordinating the resistance if Kevin ever stopped…

The Violence Monopoly Party

Dems Move Anti-Gun Bill, Spike School Safety [More]

Unfortunately, people who want you to die have accumulated a critical mass of useful idiots. And they don’t intend to stop until they “control” everything and everyone in Everytown.

Anyone who surrenders to their totalitarian demands should not be surprised to find that’s not enough. It never will be for these maniacs.

The NeverEnding Story

Tomorrow the House Judiciary Committee is scheduled to hear three anti-rights bills … They will outlaw all privately manufactured firearms, eliminate gun and hunting rights for anyone under 21, and render CHL’s useless by declaring vast undefined areas of Oregon off limits to licensed carry. [More]

And the day after tomorrow they’ll be back for more!

Lawsuits and Legislation

The lawsuits against Mz 114 continue to wind their way through the courts. And, to no one’s surprise the legal bills keep rolling in. [More]

More than one judge has shown hostility and costs are mounting.

Related UPDATE

On March 28th at 3pm, the Senate Education Committee is scheduled to hold a “work session” on SB 551. This bill requires that schools “provide specified information related to secure storage of firearms.” [More]

The attacks from all directions never stop. So neither can we.

Because Grabbers Know Best

On March 7th at 3PM the Senate Education Committee is scheduled to hear SB 551. Senate Bill 551, in its original, unamended form “Requires school districts to provide specified information related to secure storage of medications and firearms. Directs Oregon Health Authority to make information available to school districts.” [More]


Radical Oregon Ruling Declares Defense of Second Amendment Racist and Antisemitic

“Intervenors came before this court and referenced UN mandates, which … is a well-documented trope meant to invoke white supremacist, antisemitic fear of a takeover of our country by outsiders and minorities who are manipulated by an elite class of supervillains,” Egan wrote. The Columbia County ordinance (and by implication, all Second Amendment sanctuary resolutions throughout the Republic) has “antisemitic and racist origins,” he declares. [More]

With judges adopting Antifa’s rhetoric, can communist “people’s courts” for counterrevolutionaries be far off?

Measure 114 Lawsuit News

At the moment, gun owners are somewhat protected by the State Judge’s injunction though thousands are still being denied their rights due to the inaction of the Oregon State Police. However, the Oregon Department of Justice, and its militantly anti-gun Attorney General have made it quite clear that they will do all they can to force the implementation of Mz 114 and its unconstitutional and extreme restrictions on civil rights. [More]

The intent is to disarm citizens. And they won’t stop until they’re stopped.

The Perfect Democrat Constituents

The Oregon Legislative session is rolling on. We are now monitoring about 25 bills that would affect gun owners. As always, the Democrats are hard at work attempting to enable violent criminals and endanger law abiding Oregonians. As an added bonus they are working to pass legislation to allow criminals to vote FROM JAIL. [More]

Who better to vote to disarm you?

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