That’s One Less Obstacle for the Totalitarians to Overrun

It’s about official as it can get. Senate Minority Leader Tim Knopp has made a deal with the Democrats and you are on the chopping block. Personally made firearms will be banned under Knopp’s sell out and while there is some talk of getting something on the record that it will not apply to AR style uppers, we have no reason to think they are actually going to change the language of the bill to clarify that. [More]

Yeah, throw the circling jackals a scrap of flesh. That’ll make ’em go away!

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “That’s One Less Obstacle for the Totalitarians to Overrun”

  1. I’ve posted this online before, but it is still relevant.

    A family friend is a bit to the left of center and is rabidly anti-Trump. Yet he also owns a pretty good selection of guns

    We try to avoid political discussions because they can get quite irrational and heated. But one day he said something that stopped me in my tracks. I had just pointed out that his hero Joe Biden would happily ban every gun he owned.

    He replied, “Marijuana has been illegal since long before I was born, but I’ve been smoking it my entire adult life. What makes you think I give a f**k what gun laws Joe Biden passes?”

    IOW, the moonshiners and pot growers from his neck of the woods will happily go about their lives as they see fit, ignoring new gun laws just as happily as they ignore laws on pot and illegal whiskey.

    Americans are a perverse tribe. They do things they want to do even if they’ve been told not to. Sometimes they do things they kinda didn’t want to do BECAUSE they’ve been told not to. Consumption of alcohol actually increased during Prohibition. Before the 1994 AWB, Colt was having trouble selling the AR15. Look how Trump’s poll numbers popped after each impeachment and each indictment.

    People who pass laws for a living think there is some magical quality of putting words on paper and calling them laws.

    But Americans, by and large, comply with laws they agree with, and where possible, ignore those they don’t.

    Get a 3D printer. Learn how to use it. Print an AR15 lower that will withstand a mag or two. You will probably find your first cheap printer won’t print plastics that are strong enough. Upgrade your gear and skills until you can. Like Orr said in “Catch 22”, “Its good practice.”

    Orr was practicing ditching a B-25, getting out, and paddling a life raft. He eventually used that skill to paddle from the Med to Sweden. You’re never going to need the skills that Orr developed.

    But one day soon you might wish you had learned how to print a functional AR15 lower.

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