Job Interview or Pre-Coronation Ceremony?

The Nomination of the Honorable Pamela Jo Bondi to be Attorney General of the United States
Type:Nomination Hearing
Date: Wednesday, January 15th, 2025
Time: 09:30am
Location: Hart Senate Office Building Room 216
Presiding: Chairman Grassley [Watch]

Think they’ll ask her anything relevant?

Senate Should Demand Unequivocal Answers from Bondi on Second Amendment

I believe in asking political candidates and nominees specific questions that demand unequivocal answers… [More]

Or they could just give her a pass for “I believe in the Second Amendment BUT…”

Cancer Continues to Metastacize

How Washington State Wants to Disarm You in 2025 [Watch]

Nothing will change until this happens:

Imagine now the Department of Justice under an actual Second Amendment advocate, and what it could do fighting infringements and prohibitionist lawfare waged by states with unlimited tax war chests in tandem with Astroturf prohibitionist groups funded by antigun elites. Right now, the costs to defend against these innumerable assaults on all levels are borne by gun rights groups and members of mostly modest means who can only support a fraction of what is needed. That equation could be turned on its head.

Think Pam Bondi will go for it…?

[Via Jess]

A Step in the Right Direction

U.S. President-elect Donald Trump on Wednesday reversed course and selected David Warrington as his top White House lawyer… [More]

He’s Chairman of the Board for the National Foundation for Gun Rights.

Let’s hope he’s the needed counterweight to Pam Bondi’s inclination to defend infringements.

[Via Jess]

DOJ Proposal Suggests Unauthorized Use of NICS for NY Ammo Background Checks

So, if the FBI and DOJ don’t have authority to do ammunition checks, where do they get authority to allow New York State to use NICS for that purpose? [More]

Made possible by GOP Quislings, so will Republicans do anything to clean up their mess after they assume power in January?

Round 2 Redux

Today on Armed American Radio Mark continues the conversation started yesterday with David Codrea on Pam Bondi and her 2A chops or lack thereof. Is she right for gun owners as head of DOJ after her support for Florida’s post Parkland gun control bill? [Listen]

In case you missed it live and want to hear it.

Here’s Round 1.

And my elaborated thoughts on what Donald Trump’s election means for the Second Amendment are here.

We’re the Only Ones Threatened Enough

California Allegedly Threatens Police Officers Over Deportation Compliance – CA mayor: The State of California “is threatening to take pensions and charge police officers with felonies if they comply with federal deportation laws.” [More]

Maybe this will let us see what Pam Bondi is made of, and if she can enforce immigration law, why can’t she enforce the Second Amendment?

[Via Michael G]

Daily Defense Redux

Today on AAR Daily Defense, Mark chats with long-time AAR contributor, blogger, and citizen journalist, David Codrea. Topics include the makeup of the Trump cabinet from a gun rights perspective. Mark and David discuss bills likely to move quickly…or not…and then turn attention to Pam Bondi for AG. David is no fan and eloquently articulates the reasons why, including her past support for anti-gun measures in Florida as state AG. Mark counters with analogies and gives her the benefit of waiting out the hearings. She will no doubt be put on the spot during the confirmation process and allowed to articulate her 2A positions moving forward as AG. A lively discussion, so good in fact, that David returns on Wednesday to wrap up his legitimate concerns. [Listen]

My latest Firearms News piece, “Donald Trump and Republicans Owe Gun Owners, and It’s Time to Collect,” elaborates on my position.

Donald Trump and Republicans Owe Gun Owners, and It’s Time to Collect

There’s much Donald Trump won’t be able to do, but a lot that he can if he means to keep his pledge to the gun owners he could not have won without. Rein in ATF, Mr. President. Do what you can with your bully pulpit to influence American citizens and your unique power to influence your party and the Congress. Make informed judicial appointments. Listen to gun rights leaders. And task the Justice Department with the Constitutional imperative to “secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.” [More]

Now is not the time to rest on laurels and trust that everything is going to start going our way. If we don’t stay on top of him — and them — Pam Bondi won’t be the only disappointment.

Talking the Walk

So they “grill” her and she tells them what they want to hear so they can make excuses for her… what will that prove?

Words are words and actions are actions.

Well, They Asked

Momentum is building.

Where are our “leaders”?

Related UPDATE

At the White House on Thursday, Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi described to President Donald Trump similar efforts underway in her state to allow law enforcement to seize firearms from someone who is deemed to be a danger to themselves or others.

“Good,” Trump responded. [More]

Gun Group Watch

Will we see leadership on this?

I just checked the Twitter/X feeds for them and nada

I wonder what they have to say about Bondi’s role in railroading George Zimmerman

File Under ‘WTF?’

President-elect Trump announces Pam Bondi as his new pick for US attorney general [More]

That would be the same Pam Bondi NRA sued over denial of rights for 18-20-year-olds where the 11th Circuit, contrary to Bruen, “decided that historical sources from Reconstruction are more probative of the Second Amendment’s scope than those from the Founding.”

I can sense the apologists preparing arguments that her job is to defend state law.

I don’t hold any politician to standards I don’t hold myself to. I’d quit a job that required me to do that.

Wouldn’t you?

More words, President Trump?

This is exactly why “Gun Owners for Trump” needs to be more than names to help him get elected but actually be a presence and have his ear when he’s in power.

Related UPDATES:

Will the “gun rights groups” try to rein this in?

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