State Police trooper banned from Target after allegedly shoplifting over a dozen times [More]
Think of it as an independent Fund the Police initiative.
[Via Edmund M]
Notes from the Resistance
The officers in the DC Jail who need to be investigated for corruption and abuse… [More]
A J6 prisoner names names. Hopefully we’ll find out if anyone will guard the guards, and boy, if we think cops have it rough on the inside…
Does somebody want to tell him friends don’t let friends shop at Dick’s?
And what do mental health care professionals tell us about “Jennifer Ng“?
Now how do you stop them from inserting a spybot?
Speaking of which, still no resolution in sight…
[Via Michael G]
Whitehall police officer fired for falsifying evidence in arrest of innocent woman, chief says [Watch]
Believe the chief or believe the FOP…? I think they need to add a Number 3.
[Via Matthew L]
Sergeant Weaver has also been charged with Sexual Assault, and former Officer Krasley has been charged with Kidnapping, Involuntary Sexual Intercourse and Intimidation of a Witness… [More]
I see “Allentown Police Department limited who can comment on this post.” I wanted to ask them how someone could go for years and rise to the rank of sergeant and this is the first inkling anybody had that something might be off with him.
I got dragooned as an alternate for jury duty years ago, a pimping and pandering case that trotted out scumbag vice cops, irredeemable whores, and twitchy-eyed johns, and couldn’t decide who was more contemptible and pathetic, including the defendant, whom I see has gotten into more trouble since, and her defense attorney, who played the strong woman card until she decided it was time for the tactical decisions to play the tears of victimhood for jury sympathy card.
[Via Jake S]
Brookhaven Detective Fired After Judge Dismisses Charges in FedEx Driver Shooting Case…The judge cited the detective’s “repeated intentional errors” and accused him of violating court proceedings. [More]
What the hell were they thinking and on whaty planet was shooting acceptable?
Sounds like the city knew they had trouble on their hands and needed to wash them.
[Via Steve T]
Ohio cop claims sheriff’s agency spread explicit pics of her: lawsuit [More]
Sounds like the investigators were filthier than the pictures.
These people are right down the road from me. From what I’ve heard and my limited experience (elder feral son Uday was harassed a few years back and I gave the deputy who showed up at my house my unvarnished assessment of him and his tactics), I’m admittedly biased and predisposed to believing the worst.
[Via Matthew L]
Cop commands him out of the car. Driver complies. Female cop runs over to the driver and yanks his pistol out of his holster and shoots him in the leg. [More]
Terrence Murray, 31, was charged with one count of assault and battery on a family or household member, one count of improper storage of a firearm, one count of vandalizing property, and two counts of possessing steroids and testosterone, which are class E drugs… [More]
And if he pulled this on you and you put him down your life would be effectively over.
[Via Edmund M]
And Jess sent me this, but when I looked saw it’s from 2016. Still…
Evidently the frustrated animal’s name is Jason Woods. A verbal warning to him is like a “F*** you” to the citizen he threatened, and his co-thugs standing around not yanking his leash deserve lashes as well.
I know, it’s not fair to judge until you goose-stepped a mile in their jackboots, but correspondent Doc S puts things in perspective.
The office of New York’s attorney general released body camera footage Friday showing the fatal beating of a state prisoner this month by correctional officers who punched and kicked him repeatedly while he was handcuffed on an infirmary bed. [More]
Maybe he lifted a finger…
Y’notice these things always seem to happen under Democrat rule…?
Gun Rights Activist Claims ATF Raid Really Intimidation Tactic [More]
And one that could have resulted in “child gun deaths.”
Trump and the Republicans can stop this.
Will they?
Oh, and learn faster.
[Via Michael G]
This is where citizens could really use some of those pledges of Second Amendment protection we heard along the campaign trail from Donald Trump, and from every Republican in Congress who won their seat because of gun owner support. [More]
The new administration, through orders to subordinates, and the Republican-controlled Congress, with the power to subpoena and investigate, could do much to stop citizen abuse — if they want to.
Can the Police Make Me Open My Car Safe [More]
As we see every damn day, police can “make” you do practically anything they want, and unless it’s a situation where their overt criminal aggression is immediately life-threatening to necessitate self-defensive force, my intent will be to not resist, comply with orders to get out, put my hands behind my back, get on the ground, etc., to say and consent to nothing (beyond “Am I free to go?” and “I want to speak to legal counsel”), and to let my lawyer guide my actions afterward.
[Via Jess]
Dallas Campbell walked into the police department in Hazard, Kentucky a free man, doing his best to keep a notoriously untrustworthy police agency (at least that’s what I learned watching the “Dukes of Hazard”) honest. Unfortunately, he left in handcuffs, the victim of a false arrest. But he had a small YouTube channel, and 12 days after he posted the video of his arrest, the Hazard Police Chief was fired. [More]
My immediate thought is all the clerk and sheriff had to do is let him know they would expedite it to legal to make sure they were compliant with the law and someone from there would contact Campbell about an appoinmtment within the timeframe allowed by law to review and ensure they would provide everything he was entitled to. If that wasn’t good enough for him I’d have called the city attorney,and let him speak with the man.
Making up and enforcing a recording prohibition edict pretty much shows if the top cop doesn’t know what the law is, he has no business with a badge and power.
What this reminds me of more than anything was my attempts over the years (through to Mike DeWine) to get Ohio AGs to ensure that all LE agencies gave training on the legality of open carry and document each officer understood. Talk about pulling teeth.
[Via Matthew L]
A suburban New York police department routinely violated residents’ civil rights, including making illegal arrests and using unnecessary strip and cavity searches, according to a new U.S. Department of Justice report. [More]
Can we presume their bodycams weren’t the only things turned on?
And the badged @$$holes who lied were only docked and aren’t in jail? Why do I wonder if one of them called “Riccola” during the cavity search?
[Via Steve T]
Oklahoma officer charged for slamming 71-year-old man onto ground in traffic stop – Sgt. Joseph Gibson was charged with aggravated assault and battery in connection with the Oct. 27 incident that left Lich Vu, 71, suffering orbital fracture and brain bleed. [More]
But vowbreaker Michael Hunter says “There was inappropriate respect for the officer.”
That said, unless you’re prepared to take on your harasser and all law enforcement responders if you prevail, don’t argue or give them any excuse to get physical, and seek legal recourse after the fact.
[Via bondmen]
The legislation was introduced following more than a year of reports from 7 News Detroit, showing how problem officers have been allowed to jump from department to department, leaving scandal, lawsuits or criminal charges in their wake. [More]
Sounds like qualified impunity…
And remember: Back the Blue!
[Via Michael G]
Indiana Police Prey On Packages Transiting Huge FedEx Hub [More]
Why do the innocuous criteria for triggering suspicion remind me of another equally and absurdly subjective set?
[Via bondmen]
A then teenager who was shot back in 2022 by a San Antonio Police officer while eating a hamburger in the parking lot of a North Side McDonald’s is suing the former officer and the City of San Antonio… The claims asserted are without merit and we will vigorously defend the City in this litigation. [More]
Way to try and weasel-word your way out of complicity, spokesflack Andy. You guys were responsible for training your dog before you unleashed him on the public.
It’s just too bad the legal costs and settlement will be covered by taxpayer-funded insurance.
[Via bondmen]
Mom Jailed for Letting 10-Year-Old Walk Alone to Town [More]
There goes my entire childhood.
Looks like the cowards don’t want feedback:
[Via Michael G]
WSMV4 Investigates uncovers more than 600 cases of sober drivers arrested for DUI in Tennessee [More]
Everyone involved, from arresting officers to supervisors to higher-ups who allowed it not only ought to be fired, they ought to be criminally charged and civilly sued with no qualified immunity.
What is it about Tennessee sheriff’s departments?
[Via Jess]
In Phoenix, Arizona, cops were called by a Circle K gas station in reference to a white man they wanted trespassed from their store. When they arrived, the white man pointed across the street to a black man, claiming that the man was the actual culprit. Just taking his word for it, Phoenix officers Ben Harris and Kyle Sue violently attacked the black man. His name is Tyron McAlpin. He’s completely deaf and has cerebral palsy. [More]
Well, if he didn’t want to be arrested he shouldn’t have broken the cops hand with his mouth.
[Via WiscoDave]