Life in the Mehtaverse

Oath Keepers founder Rhodes is barred from entering Washington or Capitol without court permission [More]

I guess that’s the difference between “commute” and “grant a full, complete and unconditional pardon”…

That said, it’s difficult to understand how this is anything more than an in-your-face by a leftist immigrant

And, oh, look: The Justice Department can use its resources to protect rights.

When it wants to.

[Via Sweet Babboo]

Hostages to Be Released

President Donald Trump has pardoned, commuted the prison sentences or vowed to dismiss the cases of all of the 1,500-plus people charged with crimes in the Jan. 6, 2021, U.S. Capitol riot, including people convicted of assaulting police officers…[More]

As Stewart Rhodes recalls, when advocating the same:

Most of the men I met were, as President Trump said, coerced into accepting a guilty plea “bargain” to avoid decades in prison. Others had a Soviet-style show trial in DC, where, of course, they were found “guilty” after being denied the right to even argue self-defense or defense of others (imagine if Daniel Penny had been precluded from making that argument in his trial). They weren’t allowed to show the jury video of police using excessive force just seconds before their own actions. The prosecution cut that out of the video, and the defense couldn’t even discuss it.

In the meantime, their lives have been upended and their livelihoods destroyed, some beyond repair. Many questions will unfold. For now, this is a major victory and a major indicator of hope for this administration.

Let’s hope that extends to 2A, because I was concerned he didn’t mention it once during his speech and it doesn’t appear under “Issues” on his new White House website.



D.C. Gulag Holds J6 Prisoners Hostage Despite Trump’s Pardons [More]

Too bad there’s no Militia Trump could call into service with orders to put down the insurrection and liberate the hostages:

[Via Michael G]


Enrique Tarrio and Stewart Rhodes were both free from prison on Tuesday. [More]

20 Questions

…about January 6 [More]

I’d add “How could the government prosecute and sentence Stewart Rhodes to 18 years when he didn’t enter the Capitol and didn’t bring firearms into Washington DC?”

The real reason seems to be putting a hard stop to the notion that LEOs have a right and a duty to disobey unlawful orders.

[Via bondmen]

That Should Have Been the End of It

Watkins… testified that she … never heard any commands for her and other Oath Keepers to enter the building on Jan. 6, 2021… Rhodes … told jurors that there was never a plan to attack the Capitol. He testified that he was surprised and upset when he learned that some group members had joined a pro-Trump mob in storming the building… [More]

I rest my case.

Ruthless J6 Prosecutions Confirm the Ones Afraid of Oath Keepers are Oath Breakers

One way to keep a balking population in line is through the time-tested method of tyrants – cowing it into submission by making a highly publicized example of prominent members, which the J6 “uprising” at the Capitol more than provided. And no one was more high-profile in Oath Keepers than founder Stewart Rhodes, sentenced to 18 years in prison for “seditious conspiracy” and “obstruction of an official proceeding and tampering with documents and proceedings.” [More]

Part Three wraps up my series on why those in power are bent on utterly destroying the one concept that could render them powerless: Enforcers learning they have the power and the duty to say “No.”

New Webpage For Targeted Red

This book is a “must read” for anyone interested in knowing the truth about the Oath Keepers organization, who like all patriotic groups in America have been unfairly demonized and targeted as home-grown terrorists by the unconstitutional US Government. [More]

We talked about it here and here.

I finished reading it and will be doing a review before too long.

It really helped me understand how things devolved in my relationship with Stewart Rhodes from here to here, where he evidently considered that post an unforgivable betrayal.

We’re the Only Ones Inciting Enough

Congressman Barry Loudermilk (R-Ga.) says the authenticated GoPro video raises the question of why police officers, who were identified as intelligence officers, were working to stir up the crowd of protesters instead of working to stop an assault on the Capitol. [More]

How’s the Nuremberg excuse go? We were only following orders…?

If the truth is ever known it will show government provocateurs were way more influential in spurring action than Stewart Rhodes ever was.

[Via Michael G]

Tyranny, Damned Tyranny, and the Democrat Department of Justice

Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes and members of his antigovernment group will be the first Jan. 6 defendants sentenced for seditious conspiracy in a series of hearings beginning this week that will set the standard for more punishments of far-right extremists to follow. Prosecutors will urge the judge on Thursday to put Rhodes behind bars for 25 years, which would be the harshest sentence by far handed down in the U.S. Capitol attack. Describing the Oath Keepers’ actions as “terrorism,” the Justice Department says stiff punishments are crucial to send a message to future possible instigators of political violence. [More]

So now the world believes an organization that’s sole purpose is to honor the oath to the Constitution is “anti-government,” one that specifically stated:

Section 8.02. Restrictions on Membership: (a) No person who advocates, or has been or is a member, or associated with, any organization, formal or informal, that advocates the overthrow of the government of the United States or the violation of the Constitution thereof, shall be entitled to be a member or associate member.

Rhodes never went into the building. He never committed an act of violence. The prosecution did not prove specific orders to specific individuals to overthrow the government.

Since when do “far-right extremists” bent on the violent overthrow of the government purposely neglect to bring their guns to a planned “insurrection”?

The “crucial message” here is for “future possible instigators of political” dissent.

That came through loud and clear with the sanctioned murder of Ashli Babbit.

Smoke and Mirrors

” I know, and I think many of the people on your panel know, that prosecutors do not have evidence in hand linking the effort of Enrique Tarrio, Stewart Rhodes, and other lieutenants of theirs, to Donald Trump. They do not have the smoking-gun evidence that shows that Donald Trump was directing an effort to violently overthrow the government. ” [More]

Considering the charges and the punishment, it doesn’t even look like they “have the smoking-gun evidence that shows that[Stewart Rhodes] was directing an effort to violently overthrow the government.”

[Via bondmen]

Shock and Awe Lawfare

The recommendation for Rhodes is the longest thus far for any person charged in connection with the Capitol attack, reflecting what prosecutors see as his role in a key organizing figure for members of the far-right militia — even as Rhodes was never alleged to have entered the Capitol building itself on Jan. 6. [More]

So he not only never went in, they have no direct orders he issued to any specific person. The seditious conspiracy here is by the persecutors.

This is an act of judicial terrorism with a chilling, wider goal in mind. What else would you call “the deliberate creation of a sense of fear, usually by the use or threat of use of symbolic acts of physical violence, to influence the political behavior of a given target group”?

I guess the jurors were impressionable and manipulable enough to embrace the hysteria. It also raises a question I’ve had for some time for those whose liberty advocacy efforts center on Fully Informed Juries: Even though “text, history, and tradition” known to the Founders is on your side, your message is limited by those who control the media, and by prevailing legal establishment interests, to the echo chambers of the political fringes.

The arrogant f*** (from Portland, OR) who wrote that actually cites a law review article that compares telling free citizens about their nullification rights to telling children not to stick beans up their noses (“most of them would not have thought about it had it not been suggested”) and wrings his hands over how difficult the First Amendment makes full suppression.

And potentially sympathetic politicians, mindful of what the Swamp and the media would do to them, have little incentive to touch it.

So why not force wider discussion and open the eyes of more by creating ballot measures in states that allow it? Just the act of collecting signatures will raise awareness “outside the choir” (and I qualify the use of that term), and the fact that something is gaining steam, and maybe even getting on the ballot, will call attention to a freedom safeguard the would-be rulers desperately want to keep citizens from learning about.

We might stick beans up our noses.

A Predetermined Outcome

Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes was convicted Tuesday of seditious conspiracy for a violent plot to overturn President Joe Biden’s election, handing the Justice Department a major victory in its massive prosecution of the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection. [More]

You know the questions I haven’t seen answered?

What order did he give to attack the Capitol? When did he give it? Who did he issue the order to?

Attorneys vow to appeal. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe that would go to these judges. Noting who appointed most of them does not fill me with optimism, and all the Supreme Court would have to do to let a verdict stand is…nothing.

Leftist propagandist Raw Sory is quoting Constitutional joke Jamie Raskin to say Trump will pardon Rhodes and the other defendants. At this point and without what the conviction lacked, that is, specific substantiation, that seems more like a political tactic to influence the next presidential election.

Related UPDATE

Gateway Pundit pulls no punches:

BREAKING: Tainted DC Jury Reaches Decision – Finds Stewart Rhodes GUILTY of Garbage “Seditious Conspiracy” Charges – Government Refused to Expose Their Operatives Who Were the Only Ones Who Called for Violence [More]

Everyone high-fiving each other would do well to remember that some who are watching this are taking it personally, and their reaction is not one of being cowed.

[Via bondmen]

Oath Keepers: Targeted Red

I received a lot of phone calls from news agencies in the summer of 2001 after the People went to visit their Capitol on January 6. I decided to write a book that would not be subject to Internet deletion or MSM spin. It took me over a year, which explains my lengthy silence — I was immersed in it! Now it’s published, almost 600 pages on paper. [More]

Oath Keepers founding member Elias Alias shares insider information we won’t find anywhere else.

Point of Order

Indeed, the government’s seditious conspiracy charges against Stewart Rhodes, the founder of Oath Keepers, and several of his associates for their alleged involvement in the January 6 Capitol riots puts the entire concept of anti-government political expression on trial. [More]

As I keep pointing out:

No person who advocates, or has been or is a member, or associated with, any organization, formal or informal, that advocates the overthrow of the government of the United States or the violation of the Constitution thereof, shall be entitled to be a member or associate member.

There’s a huge difference between being “anti-government” and “anti-regime.”

[Via bondmen]

We Have Top Men Working On It Right Now

I wanted to reach out and let you know that experts from the Western States Center, one of the nation’s premier organizations working to counter political extremism and violence, has experts tracking the upcoming January 6th hearing in Congress this week, and the start of the seditious conspiracy trial against five members of the Oath Keepers including Stuart Rhodes. [More]

Can they spell his name right?



Jan. 6 ‘investigators’ caught in ‘pack of lies’ – Oath Keepers founder wants to confront partisan team [More]

That would pretty much mean the whole purpose of all this is to persecute and eliminate political enemies, continue with the steal, and manipulate the next election by feeding the voters lies…

Tangentially-Related UPDATE

Jan. 6 Committee Admits It Isn’t Even Trying To Verify ‘Bombshell’ Claims [More]

Why would they, if the goal is not to prove but to sway the electorate with malicious innuendo?

[Via Michael G]


Boy, has this guy got a wrong number!

                                                                       Open image in new tab to read.

A Right to a Speedy Trial Delayed is a Right to a Speedy Trial Denied

From His Prison Cell Oath Keepers Founder Stewart Rhodes Weighs in on Latest Jan. 6 Committee Show Trial Sessions and Bill Barr (AUDIO) [More]

Is it a paranoid conspiracy theory to wonder if some might not want the “seditious conspiracy” charges scrutinized in open court and that prison is just the place to keep that from happening?

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