The Green Mountain Grift

Gun rights groups sue Vermont over two firearms laws – The lawsuit challenges the state’s newly passed 72-hour waiting period for firearms purchases and a ban on high-capacity magazines that became law in 2018. [More]

I remember when permitless carry was called “Vermont carry” and it set the standard.

I wonder what Ethan Allen would think of Democrats.

And Vichycon swine.

[Via Jess]

Securing the Blessings of Liberty, Totalitarian-Style

Any questions…?

Vermont Range Owner Will Wallow in State Prison Until His Range Is Torn Down [More]

Just like the Founders intended.

Writer José Niño had asked me to comment on this and I told him I would– before my descent into computer hell.

I figure the least I can do to make up for not being able to follow through is to send a few eyeballs over.

Two from Gunpowder Magazine

Colleague José Niño examines the varied and in-your-face ways states are getting away with undermining the right to keep and bear arms and gets some quotes from one of my favorite people along the way…

If It Ain’t Broke, Fix It

Not Good! Anti-2A Group Targeting Constitutional Carry [Watch]

The state that imposed Bernie Sanders on the rest of the Republic? The grabbers will no doubt tout disarming the sheep as a great victory for “gun sense.”

I’m sure the folks responsible for this will fall right into line.

[Via Jess]

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