Wrong Thinking is Punishable

“Under Washington state law, residents will now be classified as domestic terrorists if they protest school board meetings, Drag Queen Story Hour Events, and the outcome of elections… These include being anti-mask, anti-vaccine, anti-critical race theory, questioning election results, and calling the LGBTQ community “groomers.” [More]

I’m not getting Minority Report analogy from this so much as a Keepers vibe

[Via Michael G]

Washington State Pile-On

The Assault on Our 2nd Amendment Rights [More]

I could spend time quibbling with that characterization, but the priority here is understanding the areas of attack:

  • HB-1240 has a long list of weapons that will be banned under this legislation.
  • HB-1178 – Concerning local government authority to regulate firearms.
  • HB-1143 – Concerning requirements for the purchase or transfer of firearms.
  • HB-1144 – Enhancing requirements for the purchase or transfer of firearms.
  • HB – 1240 – Establishing firearms-related safety measures to increase public safety.

They’re all over at the above link, plus Washington Gun Law details them out and points out the urgency for action. [Watch]

[Via Jess]

Unintended Consequences

[T]he Attorney General’s Office has filed suit against Federal Way Discount Guns claiming that they unlawfully sold high capacity magazines in violation of RCW 9.41.370. However, while this is certainly bad news for that business, did the Attorney General just hand the plaintiffs in Sullivan v. Ferguson and Brumback v. Ferguson, the very “standing” that the AG claimed that the plaintiff’s lacked? [Watch]

Be nice to think the grabbers screwed up and in doing so screwed themselves…

[Via Jess]

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