Speaking of ‘Settled Science’

“I suspect that it is a real finding and a major safety concern,” he said. “And they’re pushing the product on human beings. That is an anti-human approach … an anti-human policy.” [More] Perhaps being black will shield him from all-out Russell Branding/Elon Musking, but then again we’ve seen Democrats have no compunctions about Clarence … Continue reading “Speaking of ‘Settled Science’”

About That ‘Settled Science’…

Wenstrup Reveals New Allegations that Dr. Fauci Potentially Influenced CIA COVID-19 Origins Investigation [More] I’ve just started RFK Jr.’s book under the assumption that even a blind pig finds an acorn once in a while. I wonder how soon they’re going to pull a Russell Brand on him… [Via Ron W]

Adventures in ‘Settled Science’

Co-founder Luke Isemans said the potential risks of what he is doing are outweighed by the known threat of climate change. [More] Fanatics have no right to force any unknown risks on the rest of us. True, 2 kg is nothing, but if this becomes widespread, it would become morally justified for anyone potentially affected … Continue reading “Adventures in ‘Settled Science’”

Meanwhile, Across the Pond in Piers Morgan Paradise…

Climate-Change Lockdowns? Yup, They Are Actually Going There… [More] No worries, Harry and Meghan will still be able to take private jets to sustainability awards. After all, they promise to have a net-zero carbon footprint, which doesn’t actually mean that they’ll use less energy, just that they’ll be able to pay credits to the high … Continue reading “Meanwhile, Across the Pond in Piers Morgan Paradise…”

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