Inconvenient Truths

Martin Luther King Jr. was denied a concealed-carry gun permit in 1956. [More] True enough. But, even if we don’t want to hear it, he ultimately rejected guns for himself. Then again, if we’re to accept narratives from others as being accurate representations of the content of his character, what do we say about secret … Continue reading “Inconvenient Truths”

The Truth Will Out?

‘YOU OPENED THE DOOR’ Wray hides in BASEMENT after ‘calling ri0ter’ clip in ‘January’…Pelosi cries [Watch] Let’s hope Clay Higgins is right when he says they’re going to find out. I’ve got an AmmoLand article in the queue about AP “fact checkers” covering for Adam Schiff’s “scrubbing” comment I hope he looks into. [Via Jess]

There Can Be Only One

Donald Trump should not get free airtime on CNN and other news networks. Sign this petition immediately. [More] You can’t have free elections with anyone who’s not a doctrinaire communist running because “our democracy” relies on there only being one side! And I put in an addendum from “Ultraviolet” complaining that Facebook “fact checkers” aren’t … Continue reading “There Can Be Only One”

Life in the Tardocracy

Jackson Lee: There Was ‘Seismic Increase of Carnage Across America Using Automatic Weapons’ after Assault Weapons Ban Expired [More] Were they “as heavy as 10 boxes“? No, of course, it doesn’t have to make sense or be true, and of course, no “fact-checkers” will challenge it. The object is to get it out there influencing … Continue reading “Life in the Tardocracy”

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