And What’s to Stop Her?

Hochul is saying she will comply with the Bruen rulings by making it more difficult to acquire a concealed handgun carry license. In other words, “I, Kathy Hochul, will comply with the Bruen rulings by not complying with them.” Huh! [More]

This will continue until rights enforcement slaps cuffs on her and all her co-conspirators.

Besides which, the DSM has dumbed enough constituents in “our democracy” down enough to be on her side.

[Via Jess]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “And What’s to Stop Her?”

  1. As NYC effectively runs the state of NY, and NYC is irretrievably anti-liberty, Hochul (pronounced with a very gutteral “hOch….ul”) isn’t going anywhere.
    She’ll be re-erected and with the slimeball NY mayor Adams will further NY’s plunge into tyranny.
    SCOTUS, what SCOTUS? How many divisions do they have?

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