A special agent with the U.S. Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) has decided to enter a plea deal in a Cochise County court to resolve an allegation he engaged in nonconsensual sexual contact with a bartender while off-duty at a Bisbee hotel in 2020. But first, Joseph T. Davis wants most of the case documents sealed from the public, purportedly due to potential career and safety issues. [More]
Set loose the Streisand Effect!
[Via WiscoDave]
You complain, we listen. Received via email:
Normal American
I was distressed and disturbed to read your post about the ATF agent who wanted his court documents sealed, especially when I read his full name in the body of your post.
This is inappropriate. The correct approach is to put his full name in the headline of the post, which carries with it more SEO weight.
I hope you fix this unfortunate oversight.