The People Who Don’t Trust US

                           Lewis E. Reed/Facebook

Former St. Louis City Board of Aldermen President Lewis Reed and former alderman Jeffrey Boyd plead guilty Friday in a political corruption scandal that shocked the city. [More]

Tell me the photo surprises anybody. I was going to try for two, but it looks like Boyd took his page down.

[Via bondmen]

We’re the Only Ones ‘Multitasking’ Enough

According to court documents, an investigation determined Cunningham worked in a secondary employment role for Hudson Services, which provides security services for Spire, several times since June 1. Investigators documented 11 shifts, many of which began in the early morning hours, from June 1 to August 9 in which Cunningham worked for Hudson Services while in official capacity as a lieutenant. [More]

So could you say he was doing a doubletake?

[Via bondmen]

In the Interests of Transparency

Cover-Up: Biden Treasury Makes Move to Stop GOP From Getting Hunter Biden Records [More]

Criminal conspiracy stonewalling and cover-up from the highest circles… where have we seen that before?

Funny, how we have to learn about this from Red State and the New York Post, while all the majors only seem to be concerned with Mar-a-Lago records…

Notes from the Longest War

President Joe Biden charged in a prime-time address that the “extreme ideology” of Donald Trump and his adherents “threatens the very foundation of our republic,” as he summoned Americans of all stripes to help counter what he sketched as dark forces within the Republican Party trying to subvert democracy. [More]

Says the puppet “leader” of the party of citizen disarmament, open border cultural terraforming, communist infiltration, forced injections, pre-born torture and genocide, delusional gender dysphoria, censorship, struggle sessions, canceling, grooming…

How curious that they call it THE CONTINUED BATTLE FOR THE SOUL OF THE NATION, recalling that the Original Insurrection kicking the whole thing off was instigated by the Prince of Lies.


Understand that Joe Biden is trying to provoke conflict, he wants it, his handlers want it. They launched this campaign about a month ago. It’s calculated. [More]

Me, I’m with Vanderboegh: No Fort Sumters.  But you’d better believe the embedded provocateurs are working overtime on the low-hanging fruit. to do something stupid.

[Via Michael G]

We’re the Only Ones Perjuring Enough

The FBI told a federal magistrate judge that it intended to open hundreds of safe deposit boxes seized during a March 2021 raid in order to inventory the items inside—but new evidence shows that federal agents were plotting all along to use the operation as an opportunity to forfeit cash and other valuables. [More]

So: Who’s going to jail?

[Via Jess]

Just Deserts

Think The FBI Deserves The Benefit Of The Doubt? This Laundry List Of Corruption Should Make You Think Again [More]

Let’s just say I think they deserve full due process after being frog-marched to booking and having their assets frozen.

I heard an interesting factoid the other day, that the FBI considered It’s a Wonderful Life subversive, with elements of communist propaganda techniques, which is pretty ironic seeing as how Jimmy Stewart later starred in the blatantly propagandistic The FBI Story, going after domestic commies. And that guy was a mixed bag– no doubt about it, he put himself on the line in WWII, but then was persuaded to undermine RKBA along with some other names that may surprise those who don’t already know.

[Via GP]

Tangentially-Related UPDATES

FBI Agent Pleads Guilty to Destroying Evidence to Frame Pro-Trump Political Prisoner [More]

If anyone can make me rethink my position on crucifixion, it’s evil ambitious functionaries like this.

[Via bondmen]

We’re the Only Ones Chronic and Habitual Enough

Crying Capitol Police Officer Aquilino Gonell HUMILIATED AS HE IS CAUGHT IN LIE AFTER LIE UNDER OATH! Likely Committed Perjury at January 6th Criminal Trial! [More]

Sir Wilfrid sure keeps busy these days.

It’s telling that the committee will not allow proceedings to be recorded to keep the public from forming perceptions outside of a managed narrative.

[Via Michael G]

Meanwhile, Across the Pond in Piers Morgan Paradise…

“The head of RAF recruitment has resigned in protest at an ‘effective pause’ on offering jobs to white male recruits in favour of women and ethnic minorities, defence sources have claimed.” [More]

That’s OK. Thanks to foreign entanglements, America will be happy to send young people over to die in a war invited by embedded subversives!

[Via Michael G]

We’re the Only Ones Undercover(s) Enough

Just Doing Her Job… Female FBI Agent Slept with Target Barry Croft in Hotel, in Same Bed, During Training Weekend Paid for by FBI and Smoked Pot with Him in FBI-Hatched Whitmer Kidnapping Hoax [More]

Well, we always knew they went after low-hanging fruit. And, apparently, hung juries.

[Via bondmen]

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