A Red Flag

Jones also declined to reveal details of the shooting, or say how the boy got access to the gun or who owns the weapon. “This is a red flag for the country,” Jones said. [More]

A red flag for the country as in he wants to mass confiscate guns without due process, or a red flag for the country as in everybody better take that as a signal of tyrannical intent and prepare accordingly?

Convenient, isn’t it, how they can use the little aberration’s age to mask relevant details that will prove to all but the fanatical and the stupid that this is not a “gun problem” and hardly representative of the country outside of “progressive” enclaves?

[Via Jess]


Who let this idiot into the country?

Toy Story

The identity of a customer who fatally shot a masked robber inside a Houston taqueria and returned the stolen money to terrified diners remained a mystery Sunday as police released a surveillance image of him and requested he come forward for questioning… The gun the robber used to menace diners turned out to be a toy gun, police said. [More]

That’s one less genius to plague society.

The kill shot makes the Good Samaritan buying into “All we want to do is talk and no charges have been filed” problematic.

[Via Jess]

Anti-Gunners Should be Careful What They Wish For

Ah! The understanding at the time was that parents would have a say in what their dependent children could or could not do! So, according to this, there were no Founding-era laws saying a boy or girl couldn’t have a gun if the adults raising them wanted them to. [More]

Remove predators from society and leave our guns and our children alone? The parasites, control freaks, and groomers aren’t gonna like that one bit…

Your Feel-Good Story of the Day

A carjacker was killed in the Loop on Thursday evening when the victim fought back, accelerated her car, and slammed into a beam that supports the L tracks, Chicago police said. [More]

I’d say Elijah didn’t tread well at all.

And not to pick on innocents who share that surname, but two of them now have gotten publicity for dying stupidly

[Via Michael G]

Messing with the Wrong Elites

The removal of Denise George comes just days after she filed a lawsuit against JPMorgan Chase in New York and accused the company of helping Epstein finance the illegal exploitation of women and children in the U.S. Virgin Islands and beyond. Gov. Albert Bryan Jr. did not provide a reason for relieving George of her duties… [More]

You mean the Democrat governor…?

I don’t suppose powerful connections have anything to do with it…

Need I Say Moor?

Moorish Americans take over a rural gun range, sparking a strange showdown [More]

I’ve seen the so-called “sovereign” types argue all caps, corporations, and gold-fringed Admiralty court flags before, and if I wanted to win a case I sure wouldn’t have my lawyer argue any of that in court. If you disagree, feel free to prove me wrong in a gun case of your own.

That said, Tomlinson comes off like a Fudd.

The main issue for me here is, did their bullets go off-property…? That doesn’t depend on anybody’s beliefs.

[Via bondmen]

The Old Correlation/Causation Scam

Almost 8,000 US shootings attributed to unseasonable heat – study [More]

Talk about crying out for some commonsense weather safety laws! And now if you’ll excuse me, I need to buy some ice cream and rape somebody.

Besides, I thought paddling and prayer would fix this.

[Via bondmen]

For All We Know

‘For all we know he was some sort of sex slave’: Son of Paul Pelosi’s alleged attacker says his father is not evil, believes in human rights and is ‘hardly a right-wing conservative’ [More]

So he objected to the ball gag?

I wonder if the people who represent themselves as all about “restoring social trust in democracy” are going to retract anything and apologize…?

More likely they’re busy with ball gags of their own.

[Via Dan Gifford]

Machine Gun Charges Against Small Town Police Chief Point to Larger Issues

Nice work if you can get it. The problem is, without a badge, you can’t, and therein lies the crux of police as “Only Ones.” [More]

Special exemptions make it easy to forget your place in the food chain.

Hunter Biden Ally Should Worry About ‘Gun Crimes’ of His Own

“Paranoid” Media Matters founder David Brock had bodyguards and an “executive assistant [who] carried a handgun to public events,” including in Washington, D.C. At the time of the report, that was illegal, meaning he could not have been “lawfully carrying.” Evidently, “progressive” elites believe “gun laws” they demand for the rest of us do not apply to them. [More]

Legal bullying to chill exposing corruption doesn’t work on people who welcome the attempt to try.

Nothing Short of the End of Civilization as We Know It

California Apple store ransacked by thieves as staff warn customers not to stop them [More]

And they push “men” out of their way, that is, assault them with confident impunity.

This would not happen in a Militia culture. Or in any culture where men deny their biological roles as defenders of what is theirs– you know, what the enemies who want to tear it all down have swindled the weak-minded into considering toxic and synonymous with being abusive.

Those who “tolerate” such ravaging beasts in their midst have chosen their place in the food chain. And that includes those who vote for rulers who demand it of them.

No civilized culture can survive this. Cancer cannot be reasoned or bargained with. Either the patient is cured of it or it takes over and wastes the body to death.

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