Illegal Alien Suspect in Kidnapping of 12-Year-Old Girl Also Faces Capital Murder Charges [More]
Hey, “no one is illegal“!
[Via Michael G]
Notes from the Resistance
Illegal Alien Suspect in Kidnapping of 12-Year-Old Girl Also Faces Capital Murder Charges [More]
Hey, “no one is illegal“!
[Via Michael G]
New: The Baltimore man who has painted hundreds of “No Shoot Zones” on sidewalks and buildings around the city was shot this morning in East Baltimore. Police say he is in serious condition.. [More]
Can you really blame him for following the example set by every “gun-free zone” and supported by every “commonsense gun safety group” and Democrat politician in America?
[Via Michael G]
Last week, U.S. District Judge Carl J. Nichols sentenced Carter to nine months in federal prison for the theft of public funds. [More]
So … “illegal” gun … impersonating being a fed … but he’s not a “prohibited person” after all the other charges were dropped?
Guess that wouldn’t look good on Schneider’s guncreds.
I wish I thought a FOIA would do any good here…
[Via Michael G]
Shootings involving fully-automatic guns skyrocket in Minneapolis [More]
Not like edicts against it will stop anything…
ShotSpotter again, eh?
How many “guncrimes” didn’t it prevent or solve this time?
[Via bondmen]
Son of Gulf Cartel Boss Pleads Guilty to Arms Smuggling in Texas [More]
He ought to claim it was a botched gun sting. That worked aces for the last group that tried it.
[Via bondmen]
The Mall of America shooting suspects showed ‘a complete lack of respect for human life,’ the Bloomington police chief said [More]
Not to mention a complete lack of respect for code of conduct rules:
“Guns are banned on these premises.”
So, curiously, are “Bulletproof vests or simulated bulletproof vests.”
I wonder why their patrons might need those…
So much for “Always new.” And that makes me wonder at what point “knew or should have known” might be argued in a civil lawsuit…
10 career criminals racked up nearly 500 arrests since NY bail reform began [More]
Fighting “disproportionate” incarcerations by enabling more disproportions, are we…?
No worries. Eric Adams has a plan to disarm the rest of America.
[Via bondmen]
Paranoid schizophrenic, 52, warned police EIGHT times he would run over schoolchildren… then he killed my 12-year-old son – so why have officers been cleared of any blame? [More]
They obviously had more important priorities to focus on.
[Via Steve T]
“We really don’t know where they got the Dogwood Dell thing. I’m not sure where that came from,” said Sam Simpson, an attorney for Balacarcel, following the Wednesday hearing. “Because they dropped it in a pretty quick manner, we haven’t really gotten to see all the evidence they might have.” [More]
Does this mean the informant is not the “hero” he’s been made out to be? I’m trying to figure out why gun charges would be dropped unless the evidence was illegally obtained, and I haven’t given up on my “Only One trying to get around a warrant” hypothesis.
I don’t suppose anyone in power is interested in coming up with a fix for the real issue here…?
[Via Mack H]
Highland Park Shooter Pleads Not Guilty to More Than 100 Charges, Walking Back Previous Admission [More]
Curious, how their instinct is to defend themselves. It’s almost like you could use that against them during their attack — if you were only “allowed” to…
[Via Robert J]
And just when I thought I couldn’t have any less respect for the parents:
Mr Greenberg fought back against critics via Twitter on Wednesday morning, arguing that the parents are being scapegoated by the “system” when the focus should instead be on easy access to military-grade assault weapons.
Yeah, make it about disarming the rest of us. @$$holes.
And thanks to these gun regulations and strict ammunition control, Switzerland has a murder rate of nearly zero! [Watch]
Kind of like that of the five million members of the NRA? Do you think it’s the “regulations” that hold us back, you self-impressed, lying dope? You can’t for the life of you figure out what else could be more relevant?
And “thanks” to morons like this, the Swiss are once more bowing to the hat of tyrants.
[Via An Hour of Wolves]
Smash-and-grab thieves make off with $100K in merchandise from Citrus Park mall: deputies [More]
Too bad it wasn’t the sound of real gunshots people heard. From the proprietors.
If that were legal it would stop most of this crap in its tracks. Predators knowing they can get away with this and that the law they break then protects them does nothing but encourage more.
[Via Remarks]
After the Brazilian government permitted the killing of motor cycle riders who rob & kill citizens – in order to put an end to this menace, this is what the citizens there are doing!!! When Law Enforcement do not do their job, citizens will… [Watch]
And no, I don’t know how true that is, but who doesn’t love a happy ending?
It’ll be a sad one if they put Lula back in power.
[Via WiscoDave]
Metro police reported officers have been called to the same address 20 times in the last month, with many of the incidents involving the woman throwing boiling water on other people in the complex. [More]
So what the hell is she doing out and with access to others until such time as she proves she is no longer a danger to others?
[Via William T]
I especially like the way the incompetent and cowardly predator howls in pain and fear.
Any guesses on the number of times these morons have been caught and released before?
[Via Remarks]
Guns seized from car full of teens in Akron … As officers say they detained five teens in the car, a large crowd formed around the officers. Officials say the crowd was aggressive and made threats toward the police. [More]
Now watch “the community” complain about “gun violence.”
I wonder what Mr. Adams would have to say about this…
[Via Sweet Babboo]
More than 80 men arrested after eight models raped while filming music video [More]
I’d offer an opinion, but it wouldn’t count because I have clearly never been raped.
Cop Arrested for Ramming His Cruiser Into a Horse, Driving On Top Of It So His Partner Could Shoot It [More]
This is where that extra training comes in. I mean, who among us a) would even think of doing that, and b) follow through with it?
[Via An Hour of Wolves]
Young was charged with driving with a suspended license, felon in possession of a firearm, two counts of grand theft of a firearm, fleeing police, resisting an officer and a probation violation. Maloy was charged with possession of a controlled substance, resisting an officer and felon in possession of a firearm. He also had three warrants for his arrest out of Hillsborough and Lee counties. [More]
Tell me that doesn’t make the case for disarming you and me!
[Via Remarks]
The Minneapolis Police Department’s “buyback” program allows organizations, sports teams or neighborhoods to buy extra overtime police patrols. But the program has been criticized as inequitable and further stretching the department’s resources at a time when some less wealthy neighborhoods say police are totally unresponsive. [More]
So will the 911 dispatcher tell callers their plan doesn’t cover that because the extra bodies are servicing rich white Democrats?
Or just let them be surprised…?
[Via bondmen]
‘I’ll kill everyone before I go back to jail’ – At-large suspect wanted in dozens of burglaries [More]
THIS is why we need background checks!
Yet they keep letting him out.
[Via bondmen]
Twenty-eight female prisoners at an Indiana jail claim in two federal lawsuits that they were subjected to a “night of terror” after they were attacked and sexually assaulted by male inmates who had allegedly bought a key to the women’s wing from one of the jailers for $1,000. [More]
Just in case there are any questions about what to expect when the government is in total control…
[Via Jess]