Embedded Assets?

Members of an Ohio-based Christian group called the Salt and Light Brigade were among the “suspicious actors” who breached the police lines on the east side of the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, and engaged in a “stunning conspiracy” to commit illegal acts that were falsely ascribed to the Oath Keepers, a defense attorney contends. [More]

I wonder why they haven’t been arrested.

[Via bondmen]

Pillow Talk

They asked him about Colorado and Dominion voting machines, then provided him a warrant to seize his phone. At first, he said, he didn’t want to turn it over because he runs all of his companies off that phone and he couldn’t operate without it. They didn’t raid him at his home. They tracked him down. He had been on a hunting trip in Iowa and was driving back. He stopped at a Hardee’s in Mankato, Minnesota. That’s when they appeared out of nowhere. They went to the trouble of hunting him down. [More]

That was to send an ominous message.

He’s lucky he was in a public place.  Imagine the free rein they’d have had if they’d pulled him over on a secluded stretch of road.

I repeat my question.

[Via Michael G]

We’re the Only Ones Terrifying Enough

“I was terrified. I’ll be honest with you, when my daughter woke me up telling me there were three armed FBI officers at my door, I thought she was joking,” she told Carlson. “And I immediately tried to throw clothes on. I called my husband. I was crying. My knees were shaking. And even though I knew I had done nothing wrong, after seeing Joe Biden’s speech the night before I thought, ‘Oh my God, this is political.’ And I was frightened. I truly thought they can take me out of here in handcuffs.” [More]

At what point do state-sponsored terrifiers become state-sponsored terrorists?

[Via Michael G]

Bitter for Sweet

Personal responsibility and morality play far greater roles in promoting social peace than any government regulator recording names or bureaucratic billy club smashing heads. In American communities where citizens work, play, and pray together, peace and harmony exist without the need for some authoritarian police State breathing down everyone’s neck. [More]

It’s true. It’s not a police presence that keeps good people from victimizing others. So naturally, the authoritarian police state needs to mandate policies that ensure a critical mass of the citizenry is “wholly inadequate.”

And call those of us who aren’t haters and racists and Nazis and…

[Via Geordan]

The Last Roundup

FBI Raids Up To 50 Trump Allies In One Day: Bannon, Dhillon [More]

I saw something about this flash across the screen on Fox News as we left my Mom’s place Friday night, but on getting home saw nothing about it.

For some reason, most “real reporters” don’t find this newsworthy.

I wonder how long it will be until talk about the Second Amendment being a deterrent to tyranny is regarded as an actionable seditious conspiracy by federal law enforcement.

[Via Jess]

The NICS Self-Incrimination Form

Thus, pursuant to 34 U.S.C. § 40901(e)(1)(D), we hereby notify you, and thereby make you “aware” that the “basis” on which signers of the NICS Indices Self-Submission Form have been reported to NICS “does not apply.” Thus, pursuant to you your duties under the statute, we respectfully request that the FBI: (i) identify and “remove” records from its “database” relating to those who have signed the FBI form; (ii) that the FBI (under the authority of the Attorney General) “remove” the offending records from the NICS system;4 and (iii) that the FBI halt its use of the illegal and unconstitutional NICS Indices Self-Submission Form. [More]

Funny, how the form doesn’t include a Miranda warning that anything they sign can and will be used against them in a court of law and that they have a right to an attorney. The workaround appears to be that the signers haven’t been convicted or “adjudicated” of anything (yet).

You’d think the FixNICSers would be focused on industry customers being tyrannized and coerced instead of cheerleading registration-enabling prior restraints imposed by their “partners.”

Any bets on getting the requested reply in 30 days, or do Christopher Wray et al. figure as long as Democrats control things there’s no danger of personal repercussions, they have an inexhaustible legal war chest at their disposal, and if the Republicans do manage not to blow it, the “leadership” won’t pursue things thoroughly enough to actually punish anyone?

Or will they get right on it as soon as the frog march Hunter Biden for lying twice?

Taking a Leak

Elected officials, police chiefs on leaked Oath Keepers list [More]

The story here is really “Who leaked it?”

The feds?

In a related development:

The founder of the far-right Oath Keepers fired his attorneys on Tuesday…

The “real reporters” just can’t resist poisoning perceptions with a narrative talking point right out of the starting gate. I wonder if you asked them what is extreme about keeping your oath to the Constitution or insisting that the Uniform Code of Military Justice be enforced to ensure only lawful orders are obeyed if they’d be able to do more than babble and try to change the subject/argue non-sequiturs.

[Via Mack H]

Low-Hanging Fruit Alert

Here’s a tip: If you have some radical political views and an acquaintance reaches out, encourages you to act on your convictions, and maybe offers to introduce you to a guy who can sell you some bomb parts, don’t take him up on it. That guy’s almost definitely working for the feds. [More]

Amazing that some people need to be told. And those are the ones the enemy will use to smear those of us who don’t need to be.

[Via Michael G]

We’re the Only Ones Perjuring Enough

The FBI told a federal magistrate judge that it intended to open hundreds of safe deposit boxes seized during a March 2021 raid in order to inventory the items inside—but new evidence shows that federal agents were plotting all along to use the operation as an opportunity to forfeit cash and other valuables. [More]

So: Who’s going to jail?

[Via Jess]

Just Deserts

Think The FBI Deserves The Benefit Of The Doubt? This Laundry List Of Corruption Should Make You Think Again [More]

Let’s just say I think they deserve full due process after being frog-marched to booking and having their assets frozen.

I heard an interesting factoid the other day, that the FBI considered It’s a Wonderful Life subversive, with elements of communist propaganda techniques, which is pretty ironic seeing as how Jimmy Stewart later starred in the blatantly propagandistic The FBI Story, going after domestic commies. And that guy was a mixed bag– no doubt about it, he put himself on the line in WWII, but then was persuaded to undermine RKBA along with some other names that may surprise those who don’t already know.

[Via GP]

Tangentially-Related UPDATES

FBI Agent Pleads Guilty to Destroying Evidence to Frame Pro-Trump Political Prisoner [More]

If anyone can make me rethink my position on crucifixion, it’s evil ambitious functionaries like this.

[Via bondmen]

FBI ‘Nail Gun Shooter’ Perfect Suspect for Administration Supporters to Exploit

Why the J6 “insurrectionists” did not come armed has still not been explained and remains as confounding as why a suspect armed with an AR-15 would bother shooting into an FBI field office with a nail gun. But that’s not as important to those who would tar half their countrymen with the brush of traitor. [More]

One way to chill criticism of the FBI is to conflate anyone who does with violent, hateful, and dangerous domestic extremists who need to be disarmed.

When in Doubt, Resort to Alinsky Rule 5

Is junior okay? [More]

He’s better than you, shameless apologist for fascists. A “phoenix”? Really? From the ashes of Democrat cities?

And I notice none of his legitimate concerns are being addressed. It figures the Daily News would call this a “meltdown.”

I didn’t realize HRT was involved. I remember a real meltdown I caused with one of their jackboot lickers when I asked a simple question.

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