Planting the Seed

While the law that created the program does not say that the kits are to help identify children’s bodies after a school shooting, that hasn’t stopped some parents from drawing a link between the two. [More]

Which parents? Democrat gun-grabbers?

Lie, spread the lie, and get the ignorant and emotion-driven all agitated…

This is very similar to how lynch mobs are formed.

[Via Jess]

What Was Their First Clue That He Might Be a Problem?

The 30-year-old man charged with capital murder in the fatal shooting of two Dallas hospital employees was on parole and had been given permission to be at the medical facility for the birth of a child, a Texas prison official said [More]

Brought to you by government!

Dare I ask about young Nestor’s “legal” status without fear of being pegged as a xenophobe?

What’s this?

[Via Jess]

Campus Hijinks

Oh, those kooky college kids! And  “gun-free zones” all!

Boola Boola!

[Via Steve T]

Predator Empowerment Zones Disputed

The Second Amendment Foundation today filed suit in federal court challenging the new concealed carry statute in New York State that, among other things, prohibits concealed carry in churches. [More]

The Democrat authors of that legislation evidently didn’t feel six seconds gave murderous attackers enough of an advantage.


And here’s another case:

The Second Amendment Foundation scored a victory in a ruling by a Tennessee Appeals Court panel striking down a gun ban by a public housing authority in the community of Columbia on the grounds it violates the Second Amendment, citing recent Supreme Court language in the case of New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. Bruen.

Facts of Life

A jury spared Florida school shooter Nikolas Cruz from the death penalty Thursday for killing 17 people at a Parkland high school in 2018, sending him to prison for the remainder of his life in a decision that left many families of the victims angered, baffled and in tears. [More]

What do you think the odds are the ones who voted to spare him also support “gun control” and gouging out the unborn?

We’re the Only Ones Kept in Suspense Enough

Uvalde School District Suspends Entire Police Force [More]

Figures a school district that carries its share of fail would do that.

Remember when some idiot grade school teacher who didn’t have a clue on how to encourage order would punish the whole class?

Then again, that’s also what “Only Ones” do to those in lockup to compel group compliance, leaving unstated the implied threat of having vengeful inmates mete out punishment to any who cause disturbances.

[Via bondmen]

A Confluence of Factors

The father of a man accused of fatally shooting a professor at the University of Arizona on Wednesday said his son is “disturbed” and has a violent criminal history. [More]

So why was this known danger out free to stalk among us?

And why was the professor such an easy victim?

Arizona Board of Regents Policies 5-302 and 5-303 prohibit the use, possession, display, or storage of any weapons, explosive device, or fireworks on the University of Arizona campus and on all land and in all buildings owned or under the control of the University of Arizona on behalf of the Arizona Board of Regents, except as provided in ARS §12-781. No concealed carry permit exempts a person from this policy.

Now there’s a group that looks like they’d make a monster think twice!

[Via bondmen]

A Gun-Free Time for the Whole Family!

Witnesses told investigators that two groups of teenagers were involved in an altercation in front of the Musik Express ride and shots were fired … The park’s website says “weaponry of any kind is strictly prohibited at the park.” [More]

What do they think the young worthies were counting on?

I don’t suppose with all these extra safety measures management says they take if they’d care to offer a guarantee to those they require to be unarmed:

[Via Remarks]

We’re the Only Ones Unintentional Enough

‘Nothing intentional’: Janesville PD investigates after officer’s gun fires at school [More]

Yeah, that’s why they call them NEGLIGENT discharges.

… her gun allegedly fired … the gun went off …

And the backpack no doubt hooked itself.

They’re “taking it seriously” but they’re “not concerned about her ability to do her job”…

Can you imagine the hay the grabbers would make of it had an armed teacher done this?

[Via Steve T]

Things Could Have Ended Very Differently

Watson said, “Firearms on school property is not only against the school district policy, but it’s against the law, and as we saw in this case if you violate that law your face criminal charges.” [More]

But that’s only because:

“They told the person to stop, drop the weapon, and that person obeyed those commands”…

You guys got lucky.

[Via Jess]

Holding Out for More

On Wednesday, U.S. Senator Ted Cruz went to the Senate floor to seek unanimous consent for his proposed school safety bill, but it was blocked. Senator Chris Murphy, Democrat of Connecticut, objected to the Cruz legislation and criticized him for not being serious. [More]

That means it doesn’t ban guns, so he’d rather more children be slaughtered until he gets a bill that does.

[Via Jess]

One Small Step

Ohio House Bill 99 Goes into Effect; Teachers Can Now Carry Firearms to ‘Try and Protect Our Kids’ [More]

There’s a lot of happy talk here to give cover to the obvious:  DeWine signed this because he had to, but still backdoor badmouthed it, and Democrat-dominated school boards can still nix the idea:

“It is important to emphasize that the bill does not mandate the arming of school staff members but leaves the decision entirely to local school boards, which have the best understanding of the needs of their individual districts.”

Sure they do, Mike. Care to elaborate on the magic qualifications urban apparatchiks have to decide whether another human being can claim his unalienable rights? Or comment on how the same ones saying “No” are also hot on indoctrinating children into all other kinds of destructive, racist, and perverted leftist nonsense?

Sure, this is an improvement. But it hardly calls for cartwheels.

Bottom line: Don’t look for any improvements in high-population areas. Most of the schools in the state will remain predator empowerment zones.

[Via Robert J]

Times Square Gun-Free Zone Plans Leave the Obvious Unmentioned

Take that to mean you can’t have a permitted gun with you in a private automobile, either. The entire city is being turned into a “patchwork quilt” designed to make it impossible to travel within its limits without violating the law. [More]

By ignoring the Supreme Court’s decision with impunity, this has effectively become not just a real insurrection, but a sanctioned secession.

Sensitive, Aren’t We?

In response to the Supreme Court’s ruling, New York Gov. Kathy Hochul (D) on July 1 signed a law that criminalizes the concealed carry of guns in airports, houses of worship, Times Square and other sensitive places, prompting a swift legal challenge. Gun Owners of America is one of several plaintiffs who are urging a federal judge in Syracuse to block the New York law before it takes effect on Sept. 1. [More]

Not satisfied with a patchwork quilt of “gun-free zones,” Hochul & Co. are going for a Rubik’s Cube.

I see Stephen Stamboulieh got ink.

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