Voting with Their Wallets

Oregon State Police saw a spike in requests for Firearms Instant Check System (FICS) background requests leading up to and especially following the midterm election. [More]

They’d better hurry:

While many assumed that the implementation date would be 30 days after the election was actually “certified” (given that votes were being counted long after Nov 7th) now we are being told the Secretary of State has no plans to wait and the ban of new gun sales and magazines will begin December 8th.

I have an AmmoLand piece on Measure 114 in the publishing queue.

[Via Steve T]

Disorder in the Court?

A divided U.S. appeals court on Monday upheld the dismissal of a lawsuit against Remington Arms over a trigger defect in one of its rifles that allegedly led to the accidental shooting death in 2011 of an 11-year-old boy by his 15-year-old brother in Mississippi. [More]

Yeah, I know, all guns are always loaded, and never point one at anything you’re not willing to destroy, but if the trigger really was defective and the gun really was prone to firing spontaneously, this sounds like they won one they should have lost and surrendered one they should have won.

I don’t know how you can have a ‘three-year clock” involving a homicide

[Via Jess]

Oh Henry!

In honor of Henry Repeating Arms’ silver anniversary celebration, the Wisconsin-based company is donating $50,000 to DAV (Disabled American Veterans), an organization dedicated to empowering veterans to lead high-quality lives with respect and dignity. [More]

This came in via email and I thought it merited sharing.

Where There’s a Will

The driver of a stolen car smashed into a gun store early Thursday morning and three men stole at least 10 firearms. [More]

Look for the antis to blame the victim in 3…2…1…

The place is about 20 minutes from me (and, fun fact, six from Jeffrey Dahmer’s boyhood home). I see they’re maintaining their sense of perspective and humor with their “smash and grab sale” announcement I hope the Facebook censors miss.

[Via Sweet Babboo]

‘Show Me the Man, and I’ll Show You the Crime’

“It is disappointing that Attorney General Ellison filed his complaint without ever once talking to us… It’s also worth noting that … we were told by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms that our team members had ‘done nothing wrong’ and had complied with all applicable gun laws.” [More]

Yeah, but Ellison’s communist agenda never let a little thing like innocence slow it down…

[Via bondmen]

And That’s the Way It Is

Via email:

Open in new tab to enlarge and read.

I see nothing surprising and would not expect them to have everything they own taken from them and be sent to prison as felons by defying tyranny enforcers that will destroy them. That said, it’s the reason I do not personally use the internet for such transactions.

But that said, there are still unanswered questions.

In any case, we have already established that I don’t own any guns and never have– nasty, scary things, always going around killing people…

[Via 1Gat]

Where NOT to Buy a Gun

Moderated into Spam folder:

Yeah, I put the work into this to give shameless parasites free advertising.  By ignoring clearly defined “keep it on topic” Comment House Rules defined in the sidebar, and by presuming to get something for nothing at the expense of someone else’s labors, I’d say that pretty much tells me all I need to know about the attention to detail and ethical principles to expect.

I wouldn’t trust ’em with my credit card.

‘Activist Investor Lawfare’?

KE Arms Sued: What GWACS Armory Doesn’t Want You To Know — A Lawyer Explains [Watch]

As I indicated earlier, I don’t know anything about this and won’t have time to learn. There’s only one of me and the plate is overflowing with other priorities and commitments already. Full disclosure: I didn’t even have time to watch this 19-minute video in its entirety, either.

I post this as an information resource for those of you who do have an interest in this matter. If you have intel to add, from either side, please feel free to leave relevant comments.

[Via Jess]

I Don’t Know Enough to Take Sides

KE Arms is fighting to defend itself from a shameful legal assault by GWACS Armory and Reed Oppenheimer, activist millionaire. They have racked up massive legal bills from the two years of lawsuit that have already passed, and with a trial scheduled for later this year the bills will only increase. If they are not able to see this through to completion, the KP-15 monolithic polymer lowers and the WWSD 2020 rifles along with them will disappear. [Watch]

I’ll stipulate up front I have no familiarity with these products, this situation, or any of the players and claims involved, and can’t foresee making an effort to find out more.

[Via Jess]


A little over a month ago, merchant category codes for guns were still a little-discussed backdoor ploy.

Now they’re pounding on the front door with ISO announcing a global standard. (I know a bit about the process from a past life, back when everybody thought it was just about quality standards.)

Just a month and a half since my initial Firearms News warning, look at how this is dominating the narrative. Bottom line, if you want to do business, bureaucrats in Geneva say you have to turn snitch.

Funny thing about all those headlines spreading the same talking points: None of them are documenting the communist front groups behind the demand for this.

[Via several of you]

The Wait is Over?

… Commonwealth Court Judge Patricia McCullough issued a preliminary injunction against the Pennsylvania State Police in Firearm Owners Against Crime – Institute for Legal, Legislative and Educational Action, et al. v. PSP Commissioner Evanchick, in relation to its non-compliance with 18 Pa.C.S. 6111.1, by failing to provide instantaneous or otherwise immediate responses to firearm background checks. [More]

Guy looks like more than his hat is too tight

You gotta wonder what kind of monkey wrenches the state will try to throw into the works before September 12 and what kind of surprises they have planned for after…

Gunmakers Could Take a Stand & Stop Arming the Disarmers

It’s past time gun manufacturers stopped acting like neutral parties, willing to reap the benefits of RKBA activism as long as they don’t have to take a stand. It’s not inappropriate to publicly ask those companies what their position is, and to favor and patronize those that stand with American gun owners (and publicize those who won’t).  [More]

Or our “gun rights leaders” could just do nothing and continue turning a blind eye…

They’ve Got Theirs

Asian Americans are buying guns in record numbers. [More]

Yeah, well, how come they keep electing Democrats by landslide margins?

Until that changes, I’m not impressed. And names like “LA Progressive Shooters” don’t convince me that it will. Meaning all this giddy celebration by some “pro-gun” voices is naive.

Besides, you know who else is buying guns in record numbers? If gun ownership was the benchmark, we’d have no better pals than David Chipman and Lon Horiuchi.

[Via Jess]

It Could Be Stronger

Good opening statement. Now tell the rulers of cities and states doing this that their gun confiscation enforcers can get theirs from somebody else.

Before We Uncork the Champagne…

Defensive buys drive gun sales to 35th straight month over 1 million [More]

Everyone is aware of how the enemy is all set up to direct the noobs their way and how I see no organized attempt by established “gun rights groups” to inform their members and counter that? And how Gun Culture 2.0 cheerleaders are curiously silent about how they vote?

If owning guns was all it took, we’d have no better pals than Lon Horiuchi and David Chipman.

[Via Jess]


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